Monday, November 17, 2014

Personal - Clearing up

Hi Blog,

Today I started clearing my desk as I am going to leave pxrk vixw primary school, currently I am waiting for my new company to send me the list of potential schools which want me. Until I receive no news yet, hopefully they can get back to me ASAP. 

While clearing my desk, I found many things which I keep all those years from 2006 until present. Mostly gifts during my birthday and teachers' day and wishes cards from students, those bring back memories... I can't throw them away even if they claimed they won't forget me. I can only carry the memories and move on my life just like the painting I drew.

Here are the galleries of whatever I have kept so far, sorry if I missed out anyone.

Thank you Pxrk-Vixwian, I grow a lot from there and now I am going to graduate as parkviewian :)


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