Friday, December 26, 2014

Trip - Visits around Yangon

Hi Blog,

A short post for today.

Thanks to ML, she brings us around to visit the people and it is a good chance to move around to understand their living conditions (detail will have to ask personally) in Mymmar and their urban area - Yangon.

Play the HERO theme music!
Walking along the streets in Yangon, I was like a kid looking and observing the streets and traffic. Generally the people in Myanmar are decent and kind - Too bad we can't communicate in a common language beside body language. 

Singapore Food Junction! They have an unique four linked bridge.
The Burmese will find ways to make business as long as there is a space. Even at the staircase of the bridge

Their street looks packed and crowded. Chinese direct meaningless translation: human mountain human sea; 人山人海. Every streets look almost the same, selling almost the same thing. 

Their roads are so chaotic that there are no rule or direction of arrow to tell you whether the car is going this direction in or out. Completely free will!!! Omg! Scary...

We managed to find a yogurt drink stall with air-con installed. Have some cake and yogurt drink. Not bad and affordable.

Got a chance to try to travel on their bus. Oh my! Their seats are too 窄, not for a big fat guy like me to sit in. One thing I have to say is their way of absorbing passengers, they just calling out the places and waiting along the main road for a few sec then move on to a few metres away, the. Repeat again. So confusing...

They also sell puppets. Look eerie. 
One of our friends wanted to buy jade for his daughter. Myanmar is one of the country where produces many jade jewelries. This is one of the baazers where they sell many local items and you will see many foreigners shopping around this area. Speaking about jade, to be honest, it is not cheap And they charge according to US currency. One average jade will cost at least US$250+ I guess I will just stare and admire.

Honestly, even though I am completely exhausted but this trip was worth because I got to visit some people places and experience the life of Burmese.

Check out the effect of cloudless sky and strong sun done on my skin. Haha but I will consider that as mild tanned as compared to Singapore weather. 

We found ourselves a place where keeps us excited. We found a Ya kun coffee house! Haha it is our local brand but too bad, we already had our meal at one of the yogurt shop so we just take picture XD

That's all for now.


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