Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Personal - Final Pack up

Hi blog,

Today is my final pack up and cleaning for the new trainer, Louis to take over my desk. There are so many things I can't bear to throw away, but up till today, I have no choice to remove it. I am surely going to miss my couch. :3

Memories. Full of memories... No choice - have to move on, for the sake of new, for pupils and the current situation, I have to go....

School support staff. We support not just school but one another too.
It is a half day - time is short in PV now. I try my best to capture everything but I can't get everyone. But have to mention Eddie in my post. At least he did what he had promised - he wants to be my last pupil in Park View. As compared to the rest where the action weights more than speeches. Thank you Eddie :,) you make me feel proud! Jia you!

Here are the pictures with the new guys. Everything is new from these days onwards. Ked aka Benny (lol) young and energetic, ICT executive, it is great to have him working in PV, help out Estee and ICT department. Hope he can settle himself on someone who loves him. 

Louis, our new ICT trainer, I feel so sorry for him to take over my workloads - I understand it is not easy especially when everything is new. Don't worry I am just a phone call away to assist you. Hope you can smile more. :)

Khairul, thank you for helping me a lot. Thanks for trusting me - trust your bank card to me, try vegetarian food. It is not easy but you make a difference :) our common public icon - ABC aka bull frog, Unite everyone. Hope you can get your miss Right sooner and see you in Thailand!

Oh yes! Don't forget our PV sunflower! Uncle Jamail, PV security guard. Thank you for supporting and tolerant me for breaking school rules for allowing ex-pupils to come in sometimes. Stay healthy Uncle!

Not to forget the aunties :) always help to clean up the toilet and places for us. Must learn to appreciate them. Stay healthy aunties!

Today I wore white to school to end the day. There was a reason behind this - who will know it? :) for now, I was Carrying my stuff and posed infront of my school. Smile and thank PV for everything - she trained me to be a better and confident trainer. I believe in Dxmxi Pri that I can help the school out.

Thanks, Extée and Sixwkixng for organizing a farewell lunch at Swensen. Thank you our Mr Quxk that you had guided me through, even when I am in new place, you still show concern :)

Good bye everyone!


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