Saturday, February 22, 2014

Cycling - My Bike and I

Hi Blog,

Today morning I tried to explore Old Upper Thomson Road, at Upper Pierce Singapore, with my wife bike.

I just realized that, my bike is too heavy. Well, I will learn to cycle at that weight. I won't want to leave her aside. I will love her.

I spotted a quiet place where is located somewhere here on the map.

Then I took some pictures :)

Very quiet place and I saw some people trying to fish here but it is forfeited.

And the Mother Nature size grass bed to lay around. I can do sun bathing here! XD 

Let's have an epic shot together with my wife. :) smile!!!

Seriously.... Very quiet. I am feeling someone is watching me selfie-ing. Who cares! Haha

After some deep thought, I learned something.

"Life is like cycling. We need to put in our strength to petal to move forward. Sometimes there are ups (challenges) which we will petal with more energy; visa verse for down scope (smooth event). Many people hope to have smooth route all the way, but you will realize you missed out many things along the way. In life, most important thing is not about how we wish to have more down scopes than up scopes, it is about the rider who controls the direction and effort of riding his bike (life)."

Epic shot! :) thank you Spider



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