Monday, February 17, 2014

MapleSea - Third Week of MapleSea Trivia

Hi Blog,

Today is the third week of MapleSea Trivia!!! Today in Shaw Online Facebook put up new post.

Here is some information about this event. Every week from 03 Feb to 28 Feb 2014, They will have 4 part trivia where you stand to win MapleStory Plushies and Shaw Movie Passes. To be able to win the goodies, simply follow the steps stated in the facebook.

Third Week

Dong Chiangs have invaded our theatre! Tell us your count of Dong Chiangs for your chance to win MapleStory plushies and Shaw movie passes!

Step 1: “Like" Shaw Online Facebook Fan Page to qualify.
Step 2: Count the number of Dong Chiangs in the picture!
Step 3: Submit your answers and fill up your particulars to complete the contest entry here.

Here is my answer! :D Thanks Photoshop!

Winners are out on 24th Feb 2014! Lucky winners! :D Enjoy


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