Today MapleSea has one new event to reward the maplers. They called it "Maple Loyalty Program 2014". More detail you can check on this link from their website.
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They have a series of Maple Loyalty Program from 24th Feb 2014 to 5th March 2014! Maplers will have a chance to win Black Widow Razer keyboard, Razor water-bottle, Gunnar Gaming Glasses and Maple Points!!!
1. Loyalty Program (Alpha)
During the window period from 26th Feb 2014 0900 hrs to 5th March 2014 0859 hrs, just simply login at least once, to win this EXPENSIVE Black Razer Keyboard! (WOW! WORTH: $179!!!)
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Credit Techworld for this picture |
2. Loyalty Program (Bravo)
Spend minimum of 18,888 Maple Cash from 23rd February 2014 0000 hrs to 28th February 2014 2359 hrs to participate. You might stand a chance to win Black Widow Razer keyboard, Razer Water Bottle, Steel Series Scope Gunnar Gaming Glasses and 100,000 Maple Points (Worth up to :$450)
WOW! This is SO WORTHILY ! just need to SPEND $$$$$$$$$$$ to win those (maybe like 0.0001%) and BEST, ONLY two lucky winners!
(They even stated in their page: For every 50,000 Maple Cash you spend, you will obtain an additional chance to the lucky draw!)
I guess someone PERFECTLY will get the higher chance!
3. Loyalty Program (Charlie)
End of the whole event on 5th March 2014, if you are not lucky winner from Alpha and Bravo, our KIND-HEARTED MoneySoft will pick 2 additional Lucky winners from Maple loyalty Program Alpha and 6 additional lucky winners from Maple Loyalty Program Bravo, these 8 lucky winners will each walk away with 15,000 Maple Points and 1 Razer Water-Bottle.
I guess we will just pray for the lucky winners to win. :)
Personal Opinion, This is a spend n win program! Nothing related with loyalty! Top Spender doesn't mean they very loyal and non spender doesn't mean they are not qualified in this loyalty program. Does MoneySoft know about the word loyalty?
loy·al·tyWhat about those players who have been wasting their life and money supporting this game for all these years??? Oh Yes... I forgot who we are dealing with....
noun, plural loy·al·ties.
1. the state or quality of being loyal; faithfulness to commitments or obligations.
2. faithful adherence to a sovereign, government, leader, cause, etc.
3. an example or instance of faithfulness, adherence, or the like: a man with fierce loyalties.
It looks like we are not surprised with our MoneySoft's marketing strategy - dish out those goodies and make it slim and impossible to claim too. What a cheap way to promote Maplestory........ Disappointed...
MoneySoft, why not you surprise us?
(Updated on 11 March 2014)
The winners are out, you can check the link here and Congrat to those lucky winners.
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