Sunday, February 23, 2014

Personal - Masaru Emoto's Rice Experiment

Hi Blog,

I made an interesting experiment. I have prepared four jars for this rice experiment, objective is to test Dr Masaru Emoto's Founding of how words and emotion can affect us in our daily life. You can check on the video for more detail.

Here I will only share three jars result - Positive response, negative response and total ignore. Forth one is secret.

Day 1 (14th Feb 2014)
Preparing the jars and cooked rice. Thanks parents from Park View Primary School, Lily for contributing her jars for my experiment.

Thank you for Lily's contribution.
Put in two scope of rice for each jar.
Pour in actual amount of water
A picture of the date I started since It was on Valentine's Day.
Meaning I was alone and available. Just do something fun!

Day 2 (15th Feb 2014)

No much changes and continue to pass my thoughts accordingly.
Funny thing is that I have difficulty adjusted my thought from negative to positive or another way around

Day 4 (17th Feb 2014)

Ignored jar
Negative Jar
Close up of the Positive jar

Day 6 (19th Feb 2014)

Ignored jar - start to "dry up" from the top
Negative Jar - Get watery
Positive Jar - Nothing

Day 7 (20th Feb 2014)

Ignored Jar - starts to show some mould
Negative jar - Strangely enough, there is a form of division of rice and water.
Did I do it wrongly??
Positive Jar - Water starts to dry up

Day 10 (23th Feb 2014)
Ignored Jar - The top layer dry up and mould. There are some water at the bottom of the jar.
Negative Jar - Cloudy water. Weird....
Positive Jar - as usual.
Some to come


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