Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Blog - October Overview

Hi Blog,

It's already October! I always have trouble pronouncing "August" as "October" because they start with the same vowel. I'm wondering if it's due to my learning disability. Most people will likely need help understanding the challenge and will do their best to teach me how to recognize and read it correctly.

But they overlooked one detail: I am fine with reading written material; it may be slow, but it is not a problem. The main issue is speech; I need to mentally spell the word to say it correctly or have it corrected by someone else. I guess dyslexia got in the way.
Oh well... I was created to tick people off as if it were a simple task, but I could not do it. When everyone is dealing with their issues with the majority of responses, I am simply stupid to be caught up in it, unaware of the difficulties and concerns I am experiencing.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Trip - Meeting Ipoh Friends in KL

Hi Blog,

You were well aware of this. Yes, on 18th Oct 2024, I will be travelling again. I was going to KL to catch up with my Ipoh friends. We try to get together once a year as a ritual to bond with one another and look forward to it.

I took Friday off because EK intended to drive up to KL and avoid the traffic jam at JB Customs later in the day.
Honestly, I am not a wealthy man. I have been extremely disciplined and mindful of my spending, only covering our lodging and food. How I wish I did not have to worry about money it does not matter; the main goal was to catch up, so I should look forward to it.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Trip - Botanic Gardens Tyersall Gallop Extension

Good Morning Blog,

BP had been asking me to accompany him to the Botanic Garden's new zone for months because his girlfriend would be unable to explore with him. So I agreed to go because I had promised him.

I decided not to write a long post due to the unfinished posts on the Korean trip. But this is a new place, so I should write a long one.
Well, it is already stacked, so having one more makes no difference, right? Today's trip was a general and less detailed one; you should explore it yourself 😉

Monday, October 7, 2024

Trip - Korea D4 & 5 - Seoul Chill

Hi Blog,

I decided to combine Days 4 and 5; I wondered if I should post Day 1 through Day 5 as a single post. This was not a wise decision. Because I like to divide my content into meaningful sections with titles.

Anyway, what were we going to do on Day 4?
HD wanted to bring me to experience the beautiful city side of Korea. Thanks, HD, for bringing me around.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Trip - Korea D3 - Seoul Architect

Hi Blog,

Today was my third day in Korea, and our two ladies would be returning to Singapore. HD had some ideas for our day's itinerary in the morning.

We woke up early, but we still considered it late compared to what we had agreed upon. I suppose that is how group travel works; different personalities and characters must be taken into account.
HD wanted us to experience some Korean culture and heritage, which he thought I would enjoy.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Trip - Korea D2 - Seoul Searching

Good Morning Blog,

Today was the second day in Korea. Everyone's body clock simply woke us up to prepare for the day ahead.

ML and I decided to step out to explore the place where we stayed.
HD was on his way, taking a transit flight to Korea to join our group. He should arrive within the next few hours to bring us around.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Trip - Korea D1 - Seoul Shopping

Hi Blog,

I am going to Korea today! Many people react the same way when I tell them I am going to Korea: "Wah!" "You are so rich!" I understand why they said that, considering how many trips I have already taken this year (🇹🇼 and 🇲🇾). To be honest, I do not want to travel so frequently because I need to budget for it, but when I cannot persuade my colleagues to go on a short trip, all I can do is borrow money from myself, if not, I will upset them especially they were trying to make things happen.

Packing my belongings and reflecting... Why was it difficult to reject? Because most people can take leave easily, we need someone to stay at school, particularly three of my colleagues, one of whom is responsible for administrative security in the office. So I sensed they were trying to make it work and had gotten our boss to agree on the plan, but I was not in a position to be their wet blanket.
To be honest, this was both an exciting and nerve-racking trip for me because I got to travel (by plane) with my colleagues! We had previously taken a brief trip to Johor Bahru, but this time was different. Why am I concerned? I am concerned about how it will affect our relationship because travelling has the potential to both strengthen and weaken bonds.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #103

Hi Blog,

Looking back on my silly stupid completed trisuit theme post with a heavy heart... Yes, the accomplishment and effort should not be overlooked, but unfortunately... I fell back into the spiral again...

Perhaps it is simply a disappointment with myself... Not to the hate level, but rather blamed myself.
Everyone has accomplished so much, such as having a relationship, feeling wanted and appreciated, taking on a family role, and having a well-paying job, while I continue to sit outside my house, gazing at the small portion of the blue sky which I enjoy...