Sunday, February 26, 2023

Blog - February Overview

Hi Blog and my readers,

If you noticed some changes in my blog, there is an advertisement in my blogspot. There are two ways to look at this. One positive approach is that finally, Google recognised my blogspot as a site with healthy traffic because last time, they claimed mine is not what they want and I can earn a bit of money through traffic flow (honestly, not much).

Is it something which I should celebrate?
Two is negative... as I am a typical user myself who hates ads... I can understand the frustration to have ads slapping on my face; which spoils the reading experience. To think about... there is no company that will give free services as they also need to find ways to earn to function and sustain their business. In order for me to continue to use blogger for free, this ad is one way to sustain itself.

Hope you will understand. I had tried to reduce the number of ads shown on my blogspot so if you find that it is too much or distracting, let me know.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Trip - Abandoned Factory

Hi Blog,

Recently, WS shared with me one exciting location and I was supposed to have a hiking trip with Az but due to timing constraints, I had to postpone Az's and will hike with him again.

Gloomy weather today because I just realised I didn't manage to transfer some photos before I started my trip below... And deleted it from my camera. Not a nice feeling to have...
As what you had read in my title, yes! Today I will be going to visit an abandoned factory! Let's go!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Personal - Suits for the Theme #75

Hi Blog,

I started to clear all my old Trisuit theme which I had collected like two years ago; like this one, I completed in 2021. Now this place was gone too.

So... what am I waiting for??? Hahaha
Let's release them all!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Personal - Vegetarian Sushi Course

Hi Blog,

I bumped into one Facebook post about sushi preparation and what made it so special is a vegetarian sushi course.

Where to have such a course for vegetarians?! And I could tag on my skillfuture credit aka free course!
I know a bit of sushi preparation here and there, I tried before and honestly, it tasted bad... Needs to be revised. So I decided to take up this course and improve my skill in sushi preparation.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Hiking - Hempsey Hill Ruins

Hi Blog,

Last week, I came to Dempsey Hill to find the ruins which some hikers posted on Facebook but somehow... I got the wrong pin. (blog post) Then after consulting a few other hikers.

ZN texted me that he must step out hence he will join my today's exploration.
Back to the wrong pin, I guessed that the one who gave willingly did give me the right one but expected me to look around. As I watched LS's video, it seemed like it was there...

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Hiking - Finding the Rabbit Hole

Good morning Blog,

After my Saturday long-day event, I went home in the morning and caught a nap... Until noon...

The weather was so good that I should not just sleep throughout and since my emotions were still darkened yet, so...
Yes, I dressed up and was ready for a hike but to be honest, I felt rather empty because I didn't know where should I go...

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Personal - Suits for the Theme #74

Hi Blog,

Yes, You are right! My trisuit theme again! Collected and completed since 2021.

Every time when I start jogging, this place has a special place in my jogging journey.
hmm... yeah... I still look untoned and unimpressive. Oh well, just keep jogging.