Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Blog - August Overview

Hi Blog,

August, my first month of getting older... I guess I will become more and more mentally stable... I hope I get better.

I am glad usually after or before my birthday, I will tend to be emotional.
But I know I have a lot to grow from my current state. Jia you Jeff

3rd Aug 2022 - (Credit Sy) Trying out the studio green screen and be emo. Honestly, I emo because I am emo and tired of it. Then feel emo because I am still emo-ing... Want to improve but still struck emo-ing... hence I emo... Hahaha 😆 Me and my Bullshxt!

5th Aug 2022 - Since I was on the Emo-spring, emo that I have a lousy gene which can't be the beautiful snowflake which represents the rest and likes by others. Out-of-shape snowflakes will be ignored. So I emo-ed. 😆

6th Aug 2022 - To be honest... while I was emo-ing... I know I have hit myself too hard. Perhaps I can feel immune to the outside world's harshness by self-hitting hard. Maybe it is time to love myself... I went swimming with my old friends, and most of them got out of shape and have health issues. Even though they are married but are envied I can maintain and have the freedom to do whatever I like and still be in shape. (are they joking? Most of my family, relatives and friends commented that I got fat.) I guess... my emo will wear off sooner.

7th Aug 2022 - Today I decided to take my waifu out for a ride and spent some time together. Oh man! I love to hang out here during the late morning! Not many people will come here! At least, it helped to smooth out my emotions. I also made a regretful decision to bring my waifu to Granny Banyan Tree, it was so difficult to bring my waifu there, as I needed to carry her and bashed through the wood. I was so dead when I arrived. Sorry, my waifu... I can't bring you along on such a trip.

8th Aug 2022 - Having an impromptu swim since I could leave my workplace early and went for a quick swim... Oh dear... I forgot to bring a towel along... headache... how am I going to dry myself?

9th Aug 2022 - Visiting Batu Berlayar AMTB Battery Again
(Click here to read more)

10th Aug 2022 - It had been a month plus since I started jogging. Time to recover my jogging workout. Slow but surely... Actually, it is not about jogging, it is about me trying to push myself forward. I believe I will make it.

11th Aug 2022 - Trisuit Theme #66
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12th Aug 2022 - Ah! Glad to have Uncle Eu to join me in the jogging. I guessed my slow jog slowed him down. At least, I saw Mr Sun still bright and shining after I ended my jog. Will continue jogging as usual.

13th Aug 2022 - Yawning... Woke up early to meet up with a friend, W. To motivate him to have a stroll around his estate and catch up. After the walk,  I slept throughout until late evening.

14th Aug 2022 - Another W, my childhood bro asked me for a  swim. I guessed it is well spent time to motivate others, that's what I love to do.

14th Aug 2022 - During the evening time, we had a big feast to celebrate August babies. Believe me... I can't love eating at all. I felt so bloated after the feast...

16th Aug 2022 - Trisuit Theme #67
(Click here to read more)

19th Aug 2022 - Today my head was spinning... Perhaps I didn't sleep enough... Went for some moment of power napping and took a couple of pills... Feeling better but...

19th Aug 2022 - I thought since I felt better so I can go for a swim bt... after five laps... my head started to spin again... I suspected my headache was caused by my high blood pressure... Sigh...

20th Aug 2022 - Dover Forest
(Click here to read more)

26th Aug 2022 - Oooo! Today our school was having a homecoming session for the ex-students to visit their former school and find their own teachers; in the way of celebrating teachers' day. Glad to see some familiar faces but sadly... Most of them have become acquaintance level... Well, to think positively, I should not expect much since I was only briefly walked through their schooling life, yet they know me for who I am. Like that was good enough!

27th Aug 2022 - Dover Forest Part 2
(Click here to read more)

28th Aug 2022 - (Credit W) For the first time, I forgot to bring my camera out while I swam. Thanks, W, my childhood friend, and swimming buddy helped me to snap a few pictures of this ugly creature. Thanks for not being judgy, bro.

28th Aug 2022 - After more than a month of preparation for a class with this team, finally we had a chance to have dinner together. Great teamwork!

30th Aug 2022 - Sigh... I don't feel so good... not covid but just some infection... To double the blow... I wore my new attire today... People liked the green shirt but they had concerns over my pants... They said it was too tight... What do you mean " TOO TIGHT"?! Yes, somehow it showed my bulge a bit even when it was loose and soft. Sigh... I am too tired...

31st Aug 2022 - Feeling meh... but yet wanted sexy and turned out I only spoil the mirror...

What a busy August!


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