Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Hiking - Two Red Hikes

Happy New Year Blog,

My first day of CNY was a boring one... I didn't step out and just slept throughout...

Today was the 2nd Day of CNY 2/2/22! Beautiful Date!
Since I won't be going for house-visiting then I shall go hiking! Let my fat shine some sunlight!

While other people OOTD their Outfit Of The Day, I dressed up in red like a red fat package
2nd Day of CNY, most of the stalls or shops were not operating and had a good break.
Our Mr Sun will not take a break and continue to shine for us. :)
Happy New Year to you, Mr Sun! Today I will be meeting Dongsaeng K for a short hike before he goes for overtime work to earn extra cash.
Since Dongsaeng K has not been to Bukit Brown, I shall bring him there to experience the place than crowded place like MacRitchie!
Even though it has beautiful scenery but the number of visitors was quite unsurprisingly overwhelming.
At least, the MacRitchie toilet was quiet :) Good enough for me to reflect how untoned, short and ugly I am. Oh well, this is me - the one and only. Accept it and what else? LOL
Mr Sun seemed lazy today. Hahaha...
Ah! I see... Mr Sun also wanted some break? Come on, Mr Sun, join us for a short hike.
Oooo... I overestimated the timing left for Dongsaeng K to go for his work, so I decided to take short cut to Bukit Brown so that we will have enough time to clear a few locations here.
Let me think... what is so unique about Bukit Brown?
Bukit Brown is a perfectly tranquil place because it is a cemetery!
Wow! What an unlucky place to visit during CNY!
(Thanks Dongsaeng K) But I am not that superstitious person. Enjoy the hike and the tranquillity are the key.
(Thanks Dongsaeng K) And it is a place where I can take pictures freely.
The next unique thing about Bukit Brown - Here has some unique and grand graves/tombs and some of them are still well maintained. Personally, I don't take pictures of the tomb/grave but you can google it :)
Love this type of tree :D
Next unique thing will be...
...this kampong-like setup. There are a few around the cemetery where the grave/tomb keepers stay.
When you are there, do open your eyes to look around for little critters like this - butterfly resting on a stem while ants were minding their business.
Sometimes if you are not observant enough, you might miss out on critters easily.
Unless you bumped to loud creatures like these birds, which you have no issue where to allocate it.
Sometimes it is rewarding and feeling good to spot them at your own ability.
Bukit Brown's unique place - Avatar Tree
I will become an avatar human.
(Thanks Dongsaeng K) Love to have a shot with this tree and finally accomplished today
After sending Dongsaeng K to the nearby bus stop, I shall continue my hike
Happy New year to the deity here 
Bukit Brown got one more gem :)
Let's go!
Since the time was still young, more to explore.
The last gem will need some walking
Are you tired already? Shall we proceed?
Nice! Looked like today was a quiet day.
Hey the plants here. Glad to see you again.
Have to be careful where you landed your feet because you might step on a tomb without notice.
Looked like the wood started to "move"... My wild imagination started to cook.
I guessed I should not imagine wildly for now...
I didn't realise my red-packet attire created a great contrast against the greenery
beyond this wood...
These three abandoned cars :D - Car A
Car B
I should get a taller tripod or having someone to help me will be great
Car C
A well-hidden car here and also one of the most completed.
Oh there are many things really trigger my wild imagination. LOL!
Thank you Wood for having fun together.
I received a phone call that my mother needed me to return home because someone will drop by for CNY-visit.
I guess I will end the first hike for now
Thank you Bukit Brown, will visit you again
Lucky, there are buses nearby and very convenient.
During the late noon, I got myself ready for a second hike with my sister.
This was her first hike at MacRitchie and another red-packet attire again!
Lucky for her, Mr Sun was taking a nap.
So that the whole hike won't be a toll on her.
Err... Miss Sky, are you serious that you are going to wash the ground now?
Miss Sky, give us some chance, please. Just give me an hour.
I was surprised that there were some crowds during the late afternoon.
Haha, my sister was excited to see a wild boar. I was lucky to snap a clear picture of it.
(Thanks sis) And have someone to help me to snap a wild pig (me) clearly
(Thanks sis) At least, can request a reshoot. LOL
We took this time to keep one another updated, having a heart-to-heart chat.
Hey, Miss Sky agreed to postpone the rain a bit later. LOL!
(Thanks Sis) I guess we will have more time to chat some more.
Since she has never been to MacRitchie
Tree Top Walk will be a unique place in MacRitchie.
(Thanks Sis) Ah! Weird, looked like no visitor at all. Haha great great! Can slowly experience the Tree Top Walk.
I guess such slope can kill first timer after walking for some distance. Can imagine if it was during the hot weather.
Ooooo! The Tree Top Walk was closed! Oh man.
They claimed don't go up after 4:30pm and we were there by 4:25pm.  Oh well, on the return path, I tried to warn every visitors who walked opposite side of our return direction; to rescue them from wasting their trip up for great disappointment.
(thanks sis) I guess it was not a heroic act but for becoming an unsung hero, this is what I can do.
But I can't warn anymore visitors when they are away from Tree Top path.
(thanks sis) I guess, we will go back then. Miss Sky wanted to continue her daily chores so we should not delay her.
Nice evening sky to end my two hikes on special date 2/2/22
A simple hike with accompany will make the wonderful workout.


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