Saturday, June 5, 2021

Cycling - Full Servicing and Tubeless Conversion

Hi Blog,

Collected back one of the short posts on the 26th of May. I decided to bring my waifu for full servicing and a tubeless conversion with Kylene.

Time to find Kylene :)
In my past posts on visiting Kylene for my waifu's issues, he has been very helpful to provide his assistance to look at my waifu. You can read up more here when I started my first visit and recent visit, upgrade (2017) and return (2017). Last time, my tyres were not made for tubeless setup and I changed to new tyres at 3Rcycle (2019) and now it was tubeless-suitable so let make it tubeless!

Kylene returned back to where he started but just a different unit. He told me that he wanted to start low profile for the moment.
Hi my waifu, I had promised you to bring you for a full servicing which not many bike store will want to do it for me... Even since 2015, I got you, I have not sent you for any full servicing besides upgrading (partial service from Kylene out of goodwill)
Kylene kindly inspected my waifu and I told him what was my purpose of the visit - mainly to have a full servicing and tubeless conversion.
He told me that my waifu will have to stay with him for around two weeks and he will do it slowly.

Meanwhile, let me share with you the reasons for conversing my fatbike tubes to tubeless. You can read more from the pro authors, you can check on
2) this (Should You Go Tubeless on a Fat Bike?) from Fatbikeplanet

To summarise, having a tubeless conversion can save up a great amount of weight. My waifu weighed around 14-15kg and yes she is FAT! like me. After getting back my waifu, Kylene helped me to weigh my waifu, she is 12.1kg! :D Pretty Pretty. Anyway back to the topic, saving tires weight will improve acceleration, reduce rolling resistance.

On 31st May, Kylene reported the progress with pictures as he knows that I write an online diary. In general, my waifu was fine, just a few bolts on the rear end slightly loose. No cracks or issues on my waifu so far. Brake pads were alright but Kylene recommended replacing the front pads as it was slightly contaminated and since I have not done anything to my waifu, so changing it is recommended. He cleaned my drivetrain and wheelset bearings, there were some chips on the freehub body springs. Some small issue he claimed and suggested I should do more regular servicing to reduce any serious issue in future.
On 5th Jun 2021 - I was ready to fetch my waifu :D
HI my darling, do you miss me? :3
Kylene told me to lift my waifu up and believe me... SHE IS SO LIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! The POWER of Tubeless! YES!
Thank you Kylene for making my fatbike riding experience a pleasing one especially when I rode home. I will like to give some space to write some thought about you after we had a few chat and discussion about bike stuff and accessories.

To any reader who is reading this and might want to get a bicycle, I will highly recommend Kylene. He doesn't hard-sell anything to you - I told him that I might get a compressor pump for pumping my tubeless (which I watched from youtube) He sells some compressor pump for vehicles and can even be used for a bicycle but he just explained it and still told me that a normal bicycle pump will do the job and wanted me to be aware of the wear and torn. What a genuine and sincere person despite the challenge he has.

I seek some bicycle advice, he will recommend other websites besides his store to me. I will say that the experience with him, isn't customer/client but more like a friend. There are some other stuff and experience which I can write about him but I will keep it at this level and hope his business will grow.

I don't own this picture and credit it to the owner. I showed Kylene my dream fatbike - a Trispoke Fatbike which looks badaxx. He just told me to don't rush for it. Just ride whatever or go for Les Fat Bike. I will say, my love for fatbike won't change.
Overall, I rode home and compared my timing and speed with tube and tubeless (same direction) actually no GREAT difference, I think because I was taking the same pavement with the same setting. But there are a few differences - Rolling Resistance is reduced. Quieter riding experience as compared to my previous. I started to miss the sound... Smooth-shifting of gears. Most importantly - the overall cycling experience is satisfying :) Will bring my waifu out more often.

Updated on 15th Jun 2021
Oh dear... I started to feel a drag from my waifu while riding to my workplace in the morning then noticed the sealant burp out from my rear tire.... I had to try to pump some air at the petrol station then pushed my waifu back to Kylene. And lucky, he knew how to resolve this.


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