Saturday, May 22, 2021

Hiking - Saturday Trips

Good Morning Blog,

My Saturday 22nd May 2021 will be packed with many trips. I have a Morning Trip - Jogging with ZN, an Afternoon Trip to Exploration with Az and an Evening will be Night Safari with my family members. Long day...

I had to wake up early to catch the sun with ZN in the Morning. ZN hardly had time to go for a jog so it is best not to take up most of his time with his GF.
let me share my Saturday trip with you here.

I guess I will pull out my new suit from the cardboard, last time it was hidden away because I can't fit in and now... it seemed like I can fit in well. My #orangesuit label begins here.
Do you like it? For now, I am okay with it. Maybe I can just sell it away.
Hmmm... Saturday morning... We wanted to chase Mr Sun. It seemed like Mr Sun decided to rest more...
Somehow this emo weather... made me recall those ghosting people...
I guess... Some people left their promises, some left memories... I can only take them positively and will always remember the positive memories we have.
(Thanks ZN) Even though it was an emo weather but the sky brightened up because...
(Thanks ZN) Let our smile melt the colds and our hearts.
ZN can't jog for long because he had a tough workout so we changed our jogging to hiking and our morning short workout ended sooner.

The afternoon hike will be with Az, an FB hiker member who promised to explore a special place.
And I was all-ready even though the weather didn't seem great.
But Az felt it will rain so we postponed our exploration to tomorrow... I guessed I shall exercise my backup plan to visit somewhere else
yes! Let's go to Sentosa!
I will bring you to somewhere special in Sentosa! :D
Found a four winged yellow butterfly - Large skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus chilling here.
Cloudy afternoon today. Oh yes? blog. Where am I going later?
This is where I am heading.
Here! Never mind, I will bring you there.
OOOOO! hey Blog, did you see this? Did you see something interesting here.
Do you know what is this? :) Honestly, when I know it, I was surprised and amazed :D So you have the answer already? Yes! It is a Cashew fruit aka Cashew Apple. The plant which we all know - the one which has a Cashew nut!
Sentosa seemed quiet during this CB heightened
Love the quiet moment
Perfect moment to have my Me-time on the quiet island :3
When I stood here... something ahead missing... My dear friend... You were gone... Just in my memories... You become a ghost here... but I will always remember you. You don't know which one was I referring to? You can check here and here.
Ah, One cute squirrel stood there and we greeted one another.
During this CB heighten measurement, we were told to limit to two people in a group and only me and another me in the mirror. Yes, An untoned me.
I guessed I will visit this Insect Kingdom one day :)
And will visit this place too next time.
Since not crowded, I will walk through Imbiah Nature Trail to the destination.
Perhaps I should spend some time here too but the urge to explore that place was too STRONG!
Alright! Let me show you where I was planning to go!
I was heading to explore the West side of Sentosa and can only access when it was low tide...
And it was happening now! LET'S GO!
Quiet Nature Trail and it was a great trail.
But... but... WHAT THE! The path towards the shore was blocked... Oh man! I am not smart enough to know this will happen... Foolish me...
Oh well... My backup plan from exploring with Az, to exploring the west side of Sentosa and ended up my last backup plan was this; to redeem my Wink+ point to Kele cakes! :D I got these durians cake for a small fee. :D Why don't you get yourself a Wink app?
No matter what situation I am struck... I might be struck for a while...
But I will find my way out and find a backup or solution to resolve it.
When a plan turned south, I will just embrace it and find the best of it. I promised I will explore the West side of Sentosa one day. :) Let's wait for that day!


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