Saturday, May 22, 2021

Trip - Night Safari II

Good evening Blog,

Today evening was my family time to Night Safari suggested by my elder brother. Previously I went to Night Safari six years ago (link)

In my previous trip, I brought my DSLR and somehow trying so hard to capture animals so I decided to use my phone Huawei P30 Pro to test the night shots.
Overall, I believe most Singaporeans had visited Night Safari already, as for me, I was trying to learn and snap my experience.
Due to CB heightened, the crowds were less dense which was good in some way.
Dark orangish setting and decorations in night safari, make you feel the tribalism ambience or vibe.
First stop, we would head down to the live show before exploring the safari
My palico big eyes explained its excitement and widen-pupils to see through the dark. Can you believe even wearing an attire, I have reasons for it?
My elder brother was getting ready to film everything in the live show.
Oooo Owl! Whoo Whoo. Look how manly the zookeeper is. Haha... Honestly, I had even wanted to work in the zoo to be closed with animals but I like my weekends.
live performance to showcase an owl can turn its head 270 degrees. It's so cute. You can watch the live show on YouTube if you want.
After the show, we will take a tram to tour around the Night Safari which is different from Zoo. This tram will bring you to a safari experience to get close to animals.
But taking pictures with your phone or kit DSLR, is impossible... Dark and slow shutter speed, grainy and rather far... You barely see anything on the preview screen. Can you spot an animal here?
Like this for example. WAH! Ahead of me was a Malayan Tapir!
NO NO NO! SNAP PHONE SNAP! but it snapped but blur...
If not, Took a while to go for 2nd Snap!
It is a Babirusa. If it has a bright light, then can capture decently, can't say that it will be professionally taken but at least it is not blurry.
Asian Elephant - at least managed to capture a shoot of it.
After a round trip by the tram - time to explore other trails which can't access by tram. the Fishing Cat  Trail will be our first trail in the dark when animals are most active.
Those who are Nyctophobia might not like the whole Night Safari...
It was so dark... I will try my best to take the pictures. I had removed many blurry and failed pictures before blogging.
Fishing Cat - Does it look like a normal house cat? but this one focus on fishing. I don't see any fishing pole around.
Southern Tree-banded Armadillo! What a cute fellow.
If you don't look around, you might miss the animal hiding in the darkness. You are looking at Giant Anteater.
Barking Deer - Deer will bark when it is frightened by a predator.
Moving towards Leopard Trail but my mother can't take the smell of the animal poops... So she returned back to the entrance and my elder brother and I continued.
In Leopard Trail, You will see many "tanks" of forested setting.
And you will find some animals lurking near the glass. Like this Binturong, looking around.
At least, we managed to find sleeping Leopard
Night Safari is a perfect place for couples to chill
Huawei Phone managed to do its magic here! With a long exposure to capture some Porcupines in this dark area.
(Thanks for my elder brother) Still blurry... So difficult to capture a good shot with this nerd-nimal.
My elder brother was trying to take some pictures too but he knows my phone can achieve better than his.
A big tank but little and also camouflaged animals. Sometimes can be difficult to find animals if they don't stand beneath the spotlight. Like this Spotted Wood Owl just chilling under the light.
(Thanks to my elder brother) I concealed myself away from the spotlight like an animal.
We entered to a dark enclosure - Owl Walkthrough where it is very dark to see anything here
In the dark, you know there is something there but you also can't flash it while taking pictures. So with long exposure, you can spot a fruit bat trying to surprise you by flashing itself.
When it got too dark and constantly moving animals, it is painstakingly taking pictures.
This is Morepork Owl. If the animal parks at the right spot and distance, it will be perfect. Some beautiful moments can only be met than expected.
Some closures are just too empty and can test your night-vision-mode-eyes to spot animals lurking in the dark. Can you spot a Wallaby here?
At the night, some animals will love the cool night and sleep during the day.
(thanks to my elder brother) besides animals active in the night, there are insects also shared the night hunting.
Tarantula usually does not move that much so it will be lucky to spot it unhidden itself.
our well known insect - cockroaches. This one is hissing cockroach, different from its city cousins.
look at this mesmerising starry night which is a good example of a living heaven-illusion hell for insects. It can be found only in New Zealand - Waitomo Glowworm cave.
You can check this video out to understand and feel the beauty but yet hellish cave.
Funny thing when my elder brother can't find anything here, Do you too? Do you see it now?
This shot is perfect to illustrate the darkness in Night Safari.
Have to increase the exposure to see them
This one is Sugar Glider :) So cute
(Thanks to my elder brother) Perfect for Easter Egg, Oops No, I meant perfect picture to end the whole trip.
Night Safari is a unique trip. Animals' poo smell is quite strong but just stay focus on looking at the animals, will make your brain adjusts our focused senses. And don't carry high expectation to see every single animal to "pose" for you, meeting them up-close will be a blessing for you. Hope I will have more time to browse the animals here.


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