Sunday, May 16, 2021

Personal - White Before 2

Hi Blog,

A simple short post. SG covid situation was getting worse... a lot of unknown cases so by Sun, SG will tighten the restriction for Singaporeans from moving around. Just within three-four days, news from restricting eight people to five, then to two; entering another phrase 2.

Getting ready for a night ride tonight.
So Mr E asked me to go for a half-island night riding on Sat and W asked me for a morning hike on Sunday, since every activity restricted to two people, I guessed should be fine then!

wearing white so that can be seen at night, I hope. I guess I will try to find that torch light...
For the moment, I tried out the newly purchased USB light and hope it will last
Looked bling-bling!
We made it at 10% of the whole journey... Still have 90% more to go...
Too dark already, Can't really take a good picture in the dark. After less than two hours of the ride, the light just went off... Conclusion: USB light won't last!
Around 45% of the whole journey... I was so exhausted... Going to die... But had to pull through... Looking up the dark sky. Admiring the horoscope - Scorpio. At least, some horoscope cheering us!
Finally got a chance to visit this bridge when no one was around. :) I guess next time, I will try to hike in the dark myself.
Started at 8pm and ended like 330am... We spent some time, stopping and resting... I looked at this app again... WHAT?! Only burned 1377 cal?! This app is only made for roadbiker which is based on the distance covered! They forgot to calculate the type of bike we are using.
Anyway... After sleeping less than four hours... I woke up to meet W for a simple hike as promised.
(thanks W for helping) At least a beautiful and warm Mr Sun should be great healing towards my body and soul.
(thanks W for helping) I wished I can make this into a theme, which mean will need some help.
Thanks W, my childhood friend.
Fatten me smiling to the camera
hand covering method will be the best
W had not visited Thomson Nature Park, so time to bring him there
Found this new platform :D Love this place
(Thanks W for helping) Can really capture the nice moment
Thanks W for meeting up and adjust accordingly to fit in my timing. :) My true childhood friend :)
Simple hike and itis 817 cal? If the setting, I based on hiking. It will calculate according to distance, if cycling, they will discount it...
Anyway... back to reality... Today news had 45 cases of infection. I see it won't end good in the upcoming days. I hope my friends and family, included those who ghosted me will be safe.


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