Saturday, May 8, 2021

Trip - River Safari II

Hi Blog,

Today morning was my family day to River Safari which suggested by my elder brother and the covid situation actually got worse... Can't gather more than five people and we already have a total of six people going... Have to break into two groups.

Arrived Mandai in no time. I remembered my first visit to River Safari, was like six years ago. (post) I wondered is there any difference for this visit?
I will take it as a refresh visit. So have you visited River safari before?
The world first based on River themed zoo.
Ready and look fat
(thanks to my sis for using dslr for her first time) M will be in my group and while my mother will be with elder brother and ZQ
The crowd though. I think it was due to the time slot.
Nice waterfall where I didn't manage to take a picture previously
In my previous visit, I didn't see any map of River Safari. Beautiful drawn map.
Golden Crocodile welcomed everyone for visiting River Safari.
Previously, we started from right direction. This time around, we started from the left. We are greeted by some general information about River creature and eco-system which is quite interesting. I will capture those information in my third visit if there is any.
It seemed like even with DSLR (basic kit lens) also difficult to capture a good shot...
Do I have to take pictures like this?
Or this?
Honestly... Not easy because of the reflection on the glass
Some random big fishes shot which you hardly have as pet
Eastern Bottlenose - really looks like Eastern people
Atlantic Tarpons - Looks like a cool fish in the river - It looks like one of the Doraemon characters - Suneo Honekawa (reference) because of its mouth.
Tigerfish - Ferocious looking fish like angry Takeshi Goda (reference)
I guessed splitting into two groups, was difficult managed when one group just browsing and while one trying to take pictures... different paces
Here is one perfect example of distraction of reflection while taking pictures... Sigh
Nice looking yellow spotted tortoise
Koi-wannabe fish
Archerfish - Funny thing was, in my previous visit, I mentioned this archerfish looks like one of the doraemon character - Suneo. Hahaha! Now I looked at this fish again... yes! Still look like SUNEO! I can't believe that thought actually followed in my subconscious.
Mudskipper - Just look how strong a mudskipper's arms can do on vertical wall!? Amazing.
Horseshoe Crab - Research said when two crabs mate, they will never separate one another.
Pig-nosed turtle - The cute freshwater turtles have pig-like snouts and flippers like turtles, and their cuteness definitely made them popular as pets. Not common to purchase in Singapore.
Nice fishy fishy
One of the popular spots in River Safari - Mekong River
(Credit to my sister) I was explaining how fishes living in harmony and we should not even think of turning them into food on our plate... that is disrespectful...
They may look different from human...
they maybe even look "delicious"...
They have feeling and emotions... Just embrace them, spare them.
A group pictures here and I hoped whoever reading this can close one eye for a family shot.
Masked Lapwing with eggs!
Brown duck or teal
Happy life tortoise here
Something new here - Fire Eel
Cute young alligator chilling like a dead log
Chinese Giant Salamander - As a Monster Hunter, when they spotted a good fat tail in the game... THEY CHOP. Today Giant Salamander was resting...
A school of "shy" fishes
Sturgeon - I compared my first visit shot of this fish, it seemed like it got "older" and bigger :)
Red Panda - Finally, got to see this red panda actively behaved
Giant Panda!
Great to see panda walking around than sleeping!
Famous statue of Panda here!
Yes! Just like Universal Studio, this Panda will be my theme visit :D This is my 2021 and my 2015 (here)
Smile with the panda!
and Eating cute Panda buns!
Time to cross over to the right zone of River Safari
Can't take the boat, don't know the reason. Perhaps on my next trip then we can do so.
We skipped the Amazon Riverquest for now.
Random birds for the start
Emperor Tamarin - Too far away
This was my first time to visit Squirrel Monkey Forest where you have close contact with the animals.
oooo! Mouse deer? No, after research, this one is an Azara's Agouti. What?! First time, knowing these. Time for research! (link)
Squirrel Monkey is still better than the normal typical monkey in the wood...
Aww... it looks so cute. :3 like a giant rat! Well, it belongs to the rodents family.
Black Howler Monkey
Found Yellow-footed Tortoise :D
Rat/Mouse. Funny comment which I overheard... Some ladies commented, you see when the rat grows up, it will become the size of the Agouti
I spotted Agouti is busy burying the seeds in the ground and a Squirrel Monkey approached me at close range (Thanks to my sister). Lucky, it didn't do anything funny.
(Thanks to my sister) I hope to have this as a pet :3
Speaking of cute, here is a cute Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman.
Last zone - Amazon Flooded Forest
Beautiful Freshwater Stingray
Electric Eel - It seems like it had grown longer since 2015
Great feeling to watch them swimming around
Tetra Tank! My favourite fishes!
Angelfish Hmmm Where is the angelic element on this fish?
Red-bellied Piranha. Not that red enough though.
Another Tetra fish tank! My ideal Tetra fish tank which I wanted to have in the past...
But because I had killed so many fishes in the past due to my carelessness...
Some random fishes
Enjoying tanks and tanks of fishes swimming
Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming.
Another big tank similar to SEA Aquarium
Red-tailed Catfish - Difficult to capture a good shoot as they moved quite fast and not with my limited photography skill
Here is a place to see the famous river creature - Manatee. Sea Cow. Slow-moving and curious gentle creature. :3
(Thanks my sister) My elder brother engaging communication with M, he is more extroverted than introverted. As I am more introverted than extroverted.
(Thanks my sister) My first photo moment with my elder brother in the more natural setting.
Great day spent at River Safari as compared to my previous visit 
Do I look like a cute Panda or just Panda wannabe? LOL
Have you used the voucher yet? River Safari is definitely a place to visit. :) Hope you will enjoy the trip there because all sheltered so that you won't need to worry about the rain.


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