Monday, May 31, 2021

Blog - May Update

Hi Blog,

May the Force be with you. It is May, almost half of 2021, Covid situation still getting worse... I just hope people and the government can work together to overcome this pandemic. Just like my own personal issues, I need to work together with myself to overcome them. Not every day is sunshine, there are moments when it rains and dry-spell...

For me, I can't help much in this pandemic but do my part to overcome it.
Even when I showed my concern, can become a returned arrow towards my heart, which made me question my concern. Hurtful but I know myself and I can't control how others think of me. Anyway... May the Force be with me to stand up to face myself again.

2nd May 2021 - Finally, W and L decided to go for hiking trip again. They wanted to start simple and easy, so I introduced Green Corridor (Northern Part - From Kranji to Bukit Panjang) It should be easy and muddy for them. At least, our shoes were not covered with mud.

3rd May 2021 - Today was a school holiday, finally got a chance to take my waifu to school. Long time never take her out. It is a new start and time to move on. The funny moment was... I had been humming a song named "A New Day has Come" by Celine Dion throughout my cycling journey. I guess time to move on to a new day.

4th May 2021 - The ground was wet and soggy but I will still go for a slow jog. Thanks FB user, Chez, who shared an interesting plant that I missed out on completely. It always there all along! I guess it will be my new theme collection!

5th May 2021 - Blue blue day to swim. Thanks Miss Sky for raining earlier on than during my swimming timing. I guess, next week I will swim quite often. Let's see whether I can make a swimming theme. Hahaha.

6th May 2021 - Something happened when I closed my knife (I used it for preparing my lunch daily). Sometimes, I will swing hard to close this knife. This time round it just swing-close right on my fingers like this... I can sense there was "something" trying to protect me and this was the 2nd time. I will change this knife to a new one.

7th May 2021 - Simple Evening Hike III
(Click here to read more)

8th May 2021 - River Safari II
(Click to read more)

9th May 2021 - Finally found a space to accompany my waifu out and had a good reading moment with beautiful and peaceful scenery.

9th May 2021 - Happy Mother Day - Thanks Mother for loving and taking care of us. A cake isn't good enough... I hope I can be a good kid for you.

10th May 2021 - Nice weather for a good continuous swim today. Too bad, I am not toned or muscular enough to swim fast.

12th May 2021 - Can't really find a good photo angle here, limited and restricted. At least, I can make a theme from it for my new update post of my swimming trunk.

13th May 2021 - Holiday today but I did nothing but a simple evening hike with JH. He has many inside news and views regarding whatever happening in SG. (he works as news related job) Hope SG can control the spread of virus...

16th May 2021 - White Before 2
(Click here to read more)

19th May 2021 - Now swimming at Safra only allows two people in a lane. Good that not crowded but bad when it is crowded because have to wait outside the entrance for other swimmers to finish their swim in their lane...

22nd May 2021 - Saturday Trips
(Click here to read more)

22nd May 2021 - Night Safari II
(Click here to read more)

23rd May 2021 - Abandoned Keppel Hill Reservoir
(Click here to read more)

24th May 2021 - I cheated because this supposed to be a long post on itself but I shall take a short break from the long posts this week. Today evening hike, I decided to visit Upper Selatar to see whether is it a good place to visit in the evening time with Dongsaeng K. After the visit, I concluded, Upper Seletar is a perfect place to visit during the evening time where you can see beautiful sunset and quiet park as only people who drive will visit.

25th May 2021 - Visit the Islands
(Click here to read more)

26th May 2021 - Today I decided to bring my waifu for a full servicing and a tubeless convention with Kyl. I think I shall trust Kyl to do a good job and give my support to his business. Great to see Kyl again.

27th May 2021 - Wanted to go for a swim, but... 2 people per lane and most people will be work-from-home... I was not surprised to see the queue at Safra. I shall go back home and rest myself. Let's go!

28th May 2021 - ZN heard that I don't get to swim yesterday, he visited me at his grand-aunt's condo for a swim. :) Feeling refreshed. Even though I am untoned, but thanks ZN and the pool for embracing me. If I am rich, having a swimming pool under my home will be a requirement. HAHAHA! I am dreaming.

30th May 2021 - Today I wanted to complete one of the posts (here) at Lim Chu Kang, my elder brother willingly offered to send me to those nurseries and I can't get over the adorable plant which I found online... Rhaphidophora Cryptantha (Shingle Climber Plant) Just look at the deep green heart-shaped leaves with silvery veins, tightly packed together. I remembered I saw it (smaller leaves and it was so cute!) during my previous trip to Woon Leng Nursery. Do you like this plant?

31st May 2021 - Today will start my work-from-home days, a few days at home and a few days at work week. What a relax working life. I can just zzz.. since I am a small fly

What a long post for May. :)



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