Sunday, June 14, 2020

Hiking - Mt Imbiah Nature Trail

Good Morning Blog,

Based on my previous post - Hiking with my childhood friends, I mentioned that I will like to explore Sentosa again.

And yes! It was happening. My shoes can't wait to step out.
During Circuit Breaker mode, many shops and places were ceased its operation, which made Sentosa like a dead island.

Preparing to leave my home early
See you Mr Sun at Sentosa.
Same quiet bridge to Sentosa
Today was not sunny but moody
Usually Sentosa is one of the popular tourist attraction in Singapore but this period, it is not.
Even the escalator was not operating.
Quite quiet and dead here.
Can have more selfie moment? :D
Crossed over to Sentosa
I barely see anyone besides the island helpers.
Trick eye museum... I thought I will be alone to have some fun with the free displays outside the museum but I noticed there was an uncle sitting there staring into space like one of the displays.
I guess I will continue further down.
But just when I thought, it will be quiet, a family group was cycling and entered Sentosa. They shared the same thought as mine.
I reasserted my calculation, it seemed like this island is not dead and quiet after all.
Oh hey! Mr Sun, you are here in time. Look at the broken tree and it seemed like it might be days unattended.
Hexagon zone, I didn't know there is such structure here when it was filled with visitors
But it is a perfect hangout period if you are with friends.
Yes! The universal globe and me time :D
While hiking... I noticed my body was not well and started to discharge something... To cover the stain, I covered up with a tee before it got any worse.

I researched a while... It got me worrying... Wondering why and how I got such condition... But there is one thing for sure, I got some bacterial infection. That is why it discharged fluid to remove the bacterial within... which will stain. Honestly... it is a good reflection and reminder of me - serve as a punishment for me to repent. So sorry...

Sigh... As I was drafting this blog... my heart sunk heavily but I have to accept it and maintain what I could not.

Perfect circle if can take at a higher angle.
I didn't know it is sheltered. The maintenance must be high.
I think I got where I should explore, Yes! As titled, today will explore Mt Imbiah Nature Trail and Coastal Trail. :)
Wanted to take more pictures but my mood was not "pretty".
Ah Merlion at Sentosa. They were in the midst of removing this structure. This might be the last sight of it, before it was gone.
It seemed like I can't get any closer.
You will be in my memory. Good bye Merlion of Sentosa.
The start of Imbiah Trail.
Thanks Flowers for cheering for me.
The footstep is our guiding agent for the day.
It seems like the trail is odd as it covered along the road
Hahaha... unique and funny.
While hiking along Imbiah Trail, even when the whole island was sleeping, the workers were there to maintain and conduct their daily checkup to ensure they are in working condition.
oh! Wax museum, I have not entered this place at all to have fun at. I guess it will be a good substitute to be able to get close to those super stars and iconic people.
For me, I will take picture of myself - Stupid and Lame Nerd
ooooo! Spot something interesting. :D Wah! a Yin and Yang symbol.
Time to maintain my sane and reduce my worries... okay! I had to leave this place because too many mosquitoes!!!
Well... I wanted to take more pictures but need to stay focus.
Reached the Imbiah Nature Trail another entrance but it was closed...
OH! It had been a while since I visited this Insect Park. Love that Rhino Beetle, if it is native in Singapore, it will be my pet.
Anyway, time to explore another entrance to Imbiah Trail.
And I found one :D
Some info about Imbiah Trail - You can read up here.
Oh yes, one more reason why Sentosa was not as quiet as it seemed? There were cyclists cycling everywhere on this quiet island.
Do you see the left turn? That is the main entrance for Mt Imbiah Nature Trail.
It seemed like Sentosa's less known site is this Mount Imbiah.
Map of the whole Imbiah Nature Trail - divides into North and South Trail
I love the structure at the entrance. Play Jurassic Theme here.
Yes! Can feel it!
The Imbiah Trail ground is different from other trails I walked before, it is a sandy ground. Perhaps it is near coastal that is why it is sandy?
Some useful information for extra knowledge consumption. I will digest it slowly.
Oh! A split road which captured my attention, why so?
because of... Nepenthes Trail, basically a Pitcher Plant Trail!
Hmmm... going up slope.
Some interesting plants around here
Moss Corner
Ooooo! I wish to grow moss myself.
They are beautiful and humble.
Do you spot anything here. :) From the look, I know I have found what I want to see. Most people will miss it.
But for me, this is what I can see and spot a Pitcher Plant in the wild. Can you see it?
Let you see a dried pitcher
Did you see a whole mess growth here? I investigated the tree which supports the vine of the Pitcher Plant, had fallen.
Check the angle of the pitcher facing? Side way - which meant the whole plant/support tree fell down recently.
Even Detective Cricket was also investigating
Based on the type of pitcher plant - It is our native Nep. Gracilis and Rafflesia
As you continued up to the hill, oh! High Elemen here. I didn't know there is such facility in Sentosa.
Remind me of the camping that I had with the kids.
OH!  Some ruin here. We have to remember that Sentosa was used to be a Singapore Defence Fortress for ship pirates. This is used to be one of their station sites.
The watch tower has become a coastal tower.
Something which is well preserved.
The trees got rather tall and can't enjoy the amazing view, unless they can build even taller tower.
OH! Some interesting information here
You can spot some island from this angle - from Left to Right - St John Island, Sister's Islands, Pulau Sebarok, Semakau Landfill and Pulau Bukom. If you have Telescopes, you can look check the islands from this tower.
Due to the blurriness of my taken picture, I will try my best to retype the whole info, for my future knowledge consumption.

From the Left to Right order -

St John's Island situated around 6.5km South of Singapore. (unable to read from my picture) at an makings of an (unable to read from my picture) island is a (unable to read from my picture) for a (unable to read from my picture) and attracts visitors who (unable to read from my picture) enjoy a picnic on the (unable to read from my picture) the island's many (unable to read from my picture) the day away by the lagoon.

The Sisters' Islands are two of the southern Islands in Singapore and are located to the south of the mainland. They are home to some of Singapore's richest reefs, and a wide variety of corals can be found in the waters surrounding the islands. Common marine life that can be found here includes giant clams, seahorses and octopuses, making the islands very popular with swimmers and snorkelers.

Pulau Sebarok is an oil storage and refueling port located in the Southern Islands. This port has the best facilities in the region for the reception and treatment of slop, sludge, dirty ballast, and tank washings. There are four piers on the island and six de-slopping barges on the island. There are also plans to construct a mega floating fuel storage facility off Pulau Sebarok to deal with the ever-increasing demand for oil storage capacity.

The Semakau Landfill is Singapore's first offshore landfill and currently the only remaining landfill in Singapore. As of August 2011, it was estimated that the landfill, which began operations in April 1999, will last until 2045. Semakau Landfill is filled mainly with ash produced by Singapore's four incineration plants, shipped theirs in a covered barge nightly. Surprisingly, the landfill is odourless and peacefully coexists with a mix of mangroves, grassland and shoreline habitats.

Pulau Bukom is a small island located about 5km to the Southwest of Singapore. The island's name is thought to come from the Malay name for seashell called rangkek bukom, which is wide at one end and tapers to a narrow point, the shape of the island prior to land reclamation. The island is (unable to read from my picture) the site of the Shell oil refinery and plants for manufacture of chemicals. Shell's association with the island dated back to (unable to read from my picture) , when the company used the island to store kerosene.

Other useful info here for knowledge consumption.
Some of the ruins let behind
A place where the soldiers loaded their canon and bombard storage area.
Found a secret place to get nearer to the fortress but I shall keep a distance because "I am not alone" here.
Time to exit from the hill
This path is rather dangerous for elderly or younger kid to walk on this path. Take note.
I guessed I will have to continue to close the loop of this trail
I shall continue here
Mt Imbiah Nature trail has one more interesting feature - you will see many such "stone structures". Previously, there is a big bone structure like a dead dino skeleton remains (I didn't manage to take that picture)
And now this one.
An imprint of a dino bone. Now I got it! This Imbiah Nature Trail has a dinosaurs theme. No wonder, when I was at the entrance, I had a strong urge to hum Jurassic Park Theme.
Back to down hill of Mt Imbiah
Rather easy trail for all ages
Exited! It can be the entrance too but I prefer the entrance I came from.
Wanted to continue to explore Coastal Trail but...
It seemed like it is not ready for public. :) That means I will come in another day.
I will be back!
Overall, Mt Imbiah Nature Trail is a simple and short trail for tourists who stay on this island to experience our local man-made jungle (Safe for visitor) and a place where is preserved its historical background of Sentosa and nature wild life/trees. It can serve as an alternate attraction for Sentosa visitors besides beach, theme parks and others.

Awww... I want to explore the beach. How I wish I can sneak in.
Earlier on, I mentioned that Sentosa is a dead island during CB? It is actually alive with visitors like a small little town.
Beautiful and undisturbed beach
I think the only way to get close to the beach is this.
Soaking myself in the warm water and walked like Baywatch. Insert Baywatch Theme.
Time to go home and rest myself...
Feeling messed up with my sickness... Which I will let my body to heal and repent in whatever reason why I got it...

Thanks Heaven for such beautiful sunset and I believe I need to endure.
Hope you will spend some time exploring Mt Imbiah Nature Trail. Perhaps when Sentosa had awaken, this Nature Trail will still in "sleeping" mode from public/visitors. :) Great place to experience.


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