Thursday, April 29, 2021

Blog - April Update

Hi Blog,

It is April. I guess with an unpleasant experience during March... I decided to close my blog for good...

April Fool! Haha!
Honestly... I don't want to close it... I really love writing and blog my life journey with my blog. It has become part of my life. Not for audience but for myself. I write blog because I feel the joy of expressing and document my life daily. I asked myself, will I ever write blog/diary until when I am successful? Great looking? Something interesting? For earning extra cash? No... Purpose of having a blog is to archive my pictures and share with myself and some royal readers/supporters I have. I will never close it. If Easy_man is still reading, I wish you are well. Thanks for everything. I shall take it positively, No hate.

1st Apr 2021 - These few March days had been raining and I was busy for weeks... Mr Sun asked me to go for a jog today. I didn't hesitate and jogged. Ended up... I felt a sharp pain in my stomach... Lucky I had completed the jog, I will observe myself too.

2nd Apr 2021 - Ren Shan Ren Hike
(Click here to read more)

3rd Apr 2021 - Sisters' Island Again
(Click here to read more)

6th Apr 2021 - Jogging after the rain was a bad idea... My shoes were soaked by stepping into the mud... oh well, at least, I found some new bug which I have yet known its name.

7th Apr 2021 - After more than three weeks, I can go for a good swim finally. Yes! I am untoned and lousy physique, swimming is still my thing. I tried to swim ten laps continuously (Trying to) :) I will be better.

8th Apr 2021 - Trisuit Theme #47
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9th Apr 2021 - Sctt wanted to visit some beautiful scenery in Singapore and both of us have certain timing which rarely meets, finally we agreed to meet today for a short hike. That made me recalled my friend Mr I... I brought him to visit those places during CB period. Due to many layers of misunderstanding, and I am tired to explain myself, I will only carry happy memories. I shall give Sctt full attention during the hike and had a good chat. Thanks for helping me with the shoot.

10th Apr 2021 - Ren Shan Ren Railway
(Click here to read more)

11th Apr 2021 - Today we visited Botanic Garden but we didn't manage to do a lot because... WHY BOTANIC GARDEN?! Hahaha! Oh well... I just hiked as usual with M. :)

12th Apr 2021 - Finally got a shot of me teaching the young ones how to use a mouse. A lesson which might not impact them in anyway but it's essential. Just like how we able to stand up and walk, how we know how to hold a pencil, how we brush our teeth... I might think and believe that my computer skill was self taught but I still can remember my first computer lesson was to type on DOS-mode in order to get it worked. And I don't remember anything or understand a bit. . Graditude is a must because We won't know the small seed sow by others, impact us in unexpected way. So I treasured the first moment or in fact lesson which I can share with others, which also a way to show my gratitude to those unsung and forgotten heroes in my life.

14th Apr 2021 - Trying to swim ten laps continuously but I stopped at nine. Just tired... Haunted by past voices for wearing white, is it because I have other unhealthy intention... While I was swimming, I reflected myself... Honestly, I know myself - I really love white and as I get older, I might not wear white anymore to save others' eyes from soring; and I focused on swimming and nothing else. Rendered that voice to my strength and serve as a reminder.

16th Apr 2021 - Simple Evening Hike
(Click here to read more)

17th Apr 2021 - Today morning, Wd, Re and I went on a Nursery Shopping trip together. Hahaha... Found some amazing nep and the legendary Monstera albo on sale! EXPENSIVE plant to have! I swear I will own it in future. During the trip to 2nd nursery and collected my staghorn... I found very nice moss in the nursery. I asked the worker whether is it on sale? He told me that I can just take, I started to get greedy and took a BIG CHUCK of it... like a thief... I feel guilty... First of all, that worker is not owner, he won't know. After knowing who is the real owner... I didn't dare to inform him that I took the moss... Behaved like a thief... Really disappointing with myself. I guess if I visit the nursery again, I will ask the boss properly and pay what I took previously too if required. I have to make it right.

18th Apr 2021 - Since 2018/19, I had this sundew in this enclosure terrarium and now it is time to give them some attention. Open up and smile to them.

19th Apr 2021 - Finally can jog again. Nice weather and gave me a chance to prepare tomorrow vaccination. Pardon me that I am lack of creativity for pictures.

20th Apr 2021 - Just received my 2nd vaccination. Thanks to the nurse, this was my ever first painless jab! Happy to myself :) Clear vaccination!

21st Apr 2021 - I thought I will get feverish after 2nd round of vaccination. Oh well, time to go to work and check my Neps. Found one of my Neps has some nectar glands which meant it is growing well. :) Just some little joy of content while living. Be thankful.

22nd Apr 2021 - Before the swim and after the swim shots... any different? YES! I learned why I want to keep my hairs on my head than no hairs, and yes! I know I am still untoned and fat as compared to those lean and muscular ones. Happy? So yeah. Just go and check out the demi-gods out there then. I just swim whenever I like.

23rd Apr 2021 - Simple Evening Hike II
(Click here to read more)

24th Apr 2021 - Jurong Bird Park (Raining Day)
(Click here to read more)

24th Apr 2021 - It has been nearly a year plus, we had not been catching up. Now you are about to get marry, hope you two have a blessed marriage. This catch-up also eased your mother at Ipoh, knowing that we are still looking after you.

25th Apr 2021 - Old Choa Chu Kang Road Nurseries
(Click here to read more)

26th Apr 2021 - I decided to break the newly bought tillandsia and made them into space aliens! But to review this... I should not have used Sea Urchin shells because the aftermath of my action might encourage more people to make this... Meaning more reasons for more sea urchins will die because of this... I will suggest using polymer clay and use mod podge to seal, Don't use the real one. No more jellyfish from me anymore.

27th Apr 2021 - Happy to see nectar gland on my pitcher plants which mean they are happy. Even though, I don't feel well and trying to absorb what had happened. I guess these nectars will ease me sooner.

28th Apr 2021 - Today, I don't feel that well... have to carry a friendship turned sour because of my shxt... is never a great feeling... Oh well... I accept my life... My fault as always. Always. Oh well... I will just keep swimming on... smile and wish them a goodbye...

29th Apr 2021 - Today my Bical gave out nectar on its fang. Thanks for keeping me smiling for the day. Even though my newly purchased staghorn just turned brown... and moving toward death. I guess that tells me something - new thing doesn't guarantee it will last. It doesn't like me, it will just leave... because I can't provide an ideal growing condition and jeopardize the whole thing, so yeah... my fault as usual.


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