Sunday, April 25, 2021

Trip - Old Choa Chu Kang Road Nurseries

Good Morning Blog,

Yesterday night I just had a thought...

Why not I go for a trip and explore that place?
So where was I going today? As you had read the title. Yes! I always wanted to do that, so let's finish this.

I tried to search out all the possible nurseries at the Old Choa Chu Kang area and it seems like there are quite a few.
Mr Sun coming along? Let's go!
I didn't wear trisuit today because I am preparing myself if one day, I won't be wearing a trisuit anymore. Anyway, I arrived at Bukit Panjang where...
Taking bus 975, 12 stops journey. In fact, 13 stops will be good enough if you don't want to walk.
I decided to start here and start my hike-walk
Love this short stair to the sky. At least once to get close with Miss Sky.
Mr Sun seemed excited (sunny) today.
ooo! Small white wildflower. I found this beautiful. I will like to take some back next time.
Muddy Peng Siang River
Our first nursery started here
But Mr Sun was too bright... I started to feel the heat from the light, I know what will happen next.
I will continue my journey as usual
My first nursery stop
Nature Landscapes Nursery (google map location)
I was stopped by the staff as they explained to me, this nursery is not for visiting.
Alright - Next stop!
On Google Map, it stated Asiatic Green Horticulture and Landscape but I don't see it was named as such here. (Google Map location)
Google map showed it was closed but nope, and it is actually named as Toh Orchids. (Website)
This nursery barely has any visitor... maybe they are not aware there is a nursery here at all.
They have a neat arrangement of their plants. I believe this place is perfect for some Chinese new year plant shopping as this place is widely spaced out, and its focus is Orchid.
Toh Orchid - Hope their business will pick up. I tried to make changes and review their business in Google Map.
Continued to the deepest side of this area, most people will just drive in than walk. Stupid me, right?
Based on Google Map, I had arrived at the next nursery, but here shows as Kok Fah Technology Farm Pte Ltd. (Google map location) and (website)
Kok Fah Farm! Ah! I remembered this place!
This is our local greenhouse farm for our own vegetables. It is a must-visit if you are around here to get fresh vegetables. Time before Covid, here will have some tour guide to explain how local grows vegetables differently especially space constraint.
I found a small nursery - New Joo Guan Nursery. You won't see a shop name anywhere besides the Safe-entry board. Small and simple nursery where you can drop by after you have done with your marketing. I found out that they didn't have their operating hour stated correctly in Google Map, so I enquired from the boss (even though he sounded impatient with me) on their operation timing. may your business strike.
WOW! My first time seeing an Aloa Flowering!
Farming which I don't walk in
Mr Sun was at its Full strength.
Arrived to the furthest nursery in my whole trip - Teo Joo Guan Horticulture (Google map location)
No car meaning accessibility is challenged. No visible Shop signal too. But based on their positive reviews, I will wish to visit this nursery again if possible. The day I went, they were closed. So take note of their operation timing.
Next nursery - Hillview Nursery. (Google map location) You can find this nursery covered with a big shade net and it is unique.
Just check out this net! Wow! I wondered what they had inside.
I am here. Hmm... Is it meant for visiting?
Hillview Nursery.
Looks well done with a shade net to mark the whole nursery but also shade off walking customers or any visitor. It seems like they don't do small walk-in sales and focus on nursing.
Alright, time to return to the T-junction between Toh Orchids and Nature landscapes to our next nursery
Here it is - Toh Garden. (Google map location)
I wondered if Toh Orchids and Toh garden related. Hmmm....
Not sure whether they will welcome customer here...
Let's find out. The lady boss stepped out and asked me why I am here. I explained my visit and she asked her staff to bring me around.
based on her staff, Toh Garden is operating and open for customer. So I got to visit their nursery.
They have a lot of orchids! Wow! I am not into orchids yet, who knows one day I will.
they also have Tillandsia (Air plant)
They have a lot of common air plants!
Just look at the size of it. usually, other nurseries will sell the air plant separately. I will buy one of this size.
I got myself a bulbosa - tentacles-liked tillandsia :3
next stop where is a cluster of nurseries together
Pioneer landscape Pte Ltd (Google Map) and (website)
This is one great example of how a nursery should look like to welcome customers
One of tidiest nursery so far even though the choice of plants are standardised, quiet and less tense environment for you to browse the plants.
Opposite Pioneer Landscape
Koon Lee Nursery Ptd Ltd (Google Map)
Unique and memorable nursery - we need to walk up the slope to reach the nursery
Neaty arrangement of plants to welcome customers
Their residential area for the owner
A simple pond by the side
Walked along some more side slope and...
I arrived at the actual nursery :) Uphill nursery with unblocked surrounding scenery which gives you a relaxed vibe while browsing for plants
This nursery has neat arrangement of their plants.
WOW! Monstera Albo! How much they cost? $1800!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love them actually labelled and every plant with price and name so that we can be educated and discuss with friends.
A short distance away from Koon Lee and Pioneer Nursery
I arrived at Woon Leng Nursery Pte Ltd (Google map)
Hmm... Their entry doesn't seem welcoming though. Even though I know this nursery myself, but the frontal display seemed like a broken down places.
but as you enter deeper, they have some simple and unique nursery visit experience
oh man! They sell this lost item of compressed sphagnum moss! I will like to get some next time.
Quiet and decent sheltered nursery. You might Find many rarer plants here but it will be good to have a price tag and arrange the plants in an orderly manner.
Just passed by Tropical Environment Ptd Ltd, it only open upon appointment.
After visiting Qian Hu Fish Farm, time to continue my journey. My water bag started to dry up, still have a few to cover.
ooo! I didn't know there is one nursery here based on my initial search on Google Map!
It Meng Orchid Nursery (Google Map) It was named as It Meng Landscape and Contruction Ptd Ltd, a construction area than a nursery. I understand construction might be their business too but this nursery was stated closed on Google Map. I had submitted to Google Map to reopen this nursery with the correct location, hope it will help their business.
Let me show you the place
Here has some pretty flowers along the way to the nursery
Approaching at the nursery
Standard and neat nursery :)
As I continued my exploration, a kind lady driver offered to bring me out of this area, I thought I could take a short cut to the nursery right in front of the entrance - Hydroculture-Scape Ptd Ltd
After I explained to her of my visit here, the lady is so kind and wanted to offer to bring me around to those nurseries which I wanted to visit... but... her kindness made me hard to reject and ended up... She just drove me around for a photoshoot from outside than going in to review each nursery...

Hydroculture-Scape Ptd Ltd (Google map) and based on reviews, it seemed like an interesting place but the entrance seems intimidating.... I hope to visit.
We just drove into Chop Ching Hin Pte Ltd (Google map) and (website)
Based on the look of it, they don't welcome walk-in and you can just purchase plants from their website.
Another cluster nursery here and obviously, I can't visit those today. (Google Map)
I guess I will visit here again.
Chengtai Nursery Ptd Ltd - One of the most welcoming nurseries which motivate walk-in customers. (Google Map)
Chengtai Nursery has a spacely area which able well-ventilation for the customers. Nice nursery.
Prince's landscape Ptd Ltd - seems welcoming. (Google Map) and (Website)
Wow! From the outside, you might think Prince's Landscape seems nothing spectacular, but when you stepped in, their nursery is tidy and spacely too. This place will host many seasonal or festival events for customers. by the way, amazing and beautiful staghorn there!
Garden Centre - one which I don't find on the Google Map but it is named Evershine Projects Ptd Ltd (Google Map)
OOoo! When I stepped in, one thing came to my mind and left a deep impression in my first visit here - they categorised their plants according to the plant types like succulent will have a zone, house plants will have their zone and tillandsia will have its own zone too. Well done.
The overview of my today exploration. Can you believe this? Hahaha 14km! and Check out my Max speed!!! 58.3km/h?! Hahaha How I wish I can move that fast!
This should be my actual hike :) Thanks to that kind lady who offered to fetch a stranger to explore the area and dropped me at a nearby station. :) I shall not spoil that kindness. Hope you have blessed life ahead. Continue to be helpful. Jia you!
My today reward after hiking with Mr Sun. hahahah!
What an experience today. :) Will try to complete the incomplete next time.

Overall visit there - I sensed how much different between nurseries - some crowded and popular, and some just deserted... What do they base on? Lack of Advertisement or customer service or plant varieties or pricing? Honestly, I am clueless... But I know one thing for sure. I will say it is about connection. Like if you ask me which nursery will I recommend? I will recommend the one which connected me more like Woon Leng and other nurseries which are not that "crowded"/"popular" because I will want those nurseries to survive. So I will return to those nurseries if I need some plants than others.

So why some nurseries are filled with customers? Because of returned customers and words of mouths. I heard from one of the unpopular nurseries who shared their struggles and high rental for owning a big plot... I just hope whoever is reading this post, will give those nurseries a chance to earn.

Like growing a plant, it will take some time to grow, flower and fruit, then the cycle will continue. It needs light (acknowledgement of their existence), water (customer flow) and nutrient (sale).

30th May 2021
- Visited three nurseries - Chengtai, Prince and Garden Centre.


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