Saturday, April 10, 2021

Hiking - Ren Shan Ren Railway

Hi Blog,

Last week my "Ren Shan Ren Hike" (blog link) hiking trip at Bukit Timah. Today my army friends wanted to go for Green Corridor Railway! Oh dear... I had a bad feeling going for Green Corridor Railway Hike... The "Ren Shan Ren Hike" repeated for today hike.

Wear a top over my trisuit to get myself used to future changes. Maybe giving myself around two more years... I can stop wearing my trisuit and be "normal"?
My army friends may not get used to my attire so will need to avoid their gun firing. Anyway, today was a Green Corridor Hike, which had opened up for hikers to try out.

Waiting for my friends at the Hillview Station and ended up... Only one turned up... How come I am not surprised? The hike will still carry on.
WOW! Bridal Veil Stinkhorn (Phallus indusiatus)! My first time spotted this mushroom. This mushroom or I will say Fungus, will hang a delicate "skirt" beneath the cap and they can attracts flies nd other insects. It is also grown and sold commercially in Asian markets. I have yet tried it before. I will read for more.
From a distance, I could spot many bright colored clothes walking on the iron bridge. The Green corridor railway (Lower Trek) will start from this bridge. The Upper Trek (you can read about it here) will be connected in future
Finally, a proper stair to the bridge.
Oh dear... Crowded... Even required a police/security staff to ensure social distancing.
Interesting pavement which shows three types of pavement along this railway. One is the nature type, another one will be the left side - granite path, then next will be the right side - new and smooth.
After a while, it will return to granite type of path.
It has been a while since I hiked on this path.
OH! New thing! This one is new! Where it leads to?
oooo New bridge which I had not visited last time.
Hmmm... Where it will lead to... ooooooo! It leads to the path which links to Singapore Quarry.
Oh well, back to Green Corridor!
Green and nothing but green
Another opening at the side.
Hmm... Oh! I see. Okay This one will connect to the residential area.
On this green corridor, cyclists and hikers have to learn to share the path together. Lucky today was not as crowded as what I imagined.
The staff were getting ready to work.
Same railway track which preserved for the future generations
And I will keep my pictures in this blog; on this railway, for future readers if any, to know this superhero-wannabe nerd.
They repainted the wall for this under-bridge. If I can search my past posts for this under-bridge, I will come back here.
The crowded increased...
Because of the new pavement
and this iconic bridge - Railway Bridge
Watching beautiful couples holding hands having fun, enjoying one another company... For me... I just got feeling numb by the crowds and additional sweet couples power only sent me to the abyss.
Old Bukit Timah Railway Station. Many years ago, I glad I had visited this station when there was no visitor at all (blog post)
(credit one of the visitors for helping) Thanks Drew for hiking with me despite our other two army friends can't make it.
Elephant ears corridor
Coming back to Clementi Forest again
This place. A wide opening... It was used to be a big giant drainage. Let me check the map
Hmmm... Interesting trek. :) This way will lead to Old Jurong Line Railway bridge
It seemed like a fallen tree had been chopped off.
Oooo... This path! This one is new!
I am curious what is next further down
Hmm... The crowd was getting less packed at this pavement
Wow! :D Nice :D My peace senses returned.
After a long walk, I don't know how many underpasses I had walked past.
Nice graffiti here :) Appreciated the colour tone and boldness from the artisit.
Extended pavement which is newly opened up for visitors. I felt motivated to try this pavement again.
Dark cloud spotted. Hope I can complete this before it rained.
Along the way, there are some older estates still standing. Perfect scene for shooting a scene of the past
Drew got tired as he didn't bring enough water to hydrate himself and I was not sure how far to end. I guess I will have to find a way out for him.
OH! Spotted another Stinkhorn! Did you see the top of the cap, there is a gelatinous gleba that attracts insects (based on Google) like flies. The spores latch onto the flies as they touch the "thingy" and then carried to other places.
Another big underpass and no more crowded anymore. After this, I checked my map and noticed there is this interesting name, Lost Ark.
Based on the map. I removed the key location so that it can avoid crazy visitors to disturb that place.
Hmmm... Okay this way, away from the main pavement
Perfect place for a jog actually
Away from the main pavement and a goodbye to Drew - he was not ready to explore further and bonus for me to stray away
Hmm it seemed like I will have a slippery exploration
Yup, almost slipped
and Wet ground
The grass is so tall and the ground is wet due to yesterday rain.
Very annoying. Hahaha
Someone created a fresh path here
I placed my phone on my head level, just imagine how tall this grass are.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I know this place!
I saw this place on YouTube video! They didn't indicate the location and I was lucky today!
No wonder it was named as Lost Ark
(Credit the biker volunteered to help me) But I am shy... So...
Waited until they left
And continued to shoot somemore
I tried to take a few while they were around
But I felt that I am not in the mood to take many pictures here because..... IT IS A MOSQUITOES PARTY GROUND!
I better leave this place and revisit again when I got a chance.
Back to the main path.
The Finding of Lost Ark made me feel energetic then my mind started to challenge me a question, "Is it because I am an Introvert that is why I will feel less energetic when crowded?"
Honestly and stay away biases, Being an introvert is not about disliking being around with a lot of people, it is just enjoying being alone.
Introvert is not a condition but more of a personality. Introvert does enjoy socializing but also want to be alone (me-time or time-out moment) If not, We will get rather tired or even suffer from social anxiety.
Aiyoh yoh! Who just left it here? Anyway back to topic.
To think again. Even as an introvert, I may not enjoy to be alone too. It is not about solely introvert condition.
One, I may not find the interest I like. Because Introverted people will want to be alone to purse interests that may be difficult to enjoy when there are people around. Like for me, I like to go for hiking but too many people, I will find it draining. Like I want to dress up for Spidey, I can't do in front of people. I will shy away. While pursing my interests, it is a form of recharge or relieve...
Two, Perhaps it is not about introvert but I don't like with the people as much; No no... Not I don't like or hate the people whom I am with, but usually... they may not be as engaging as I like them to be.
So... It is a question which I need to think further in defining myself as a person than just labeling myself as an introvert/extrovert. Oh! Yeah by the way, there are NO one walking on this part of the pavement! WOw!
Just map reference of the green corridor. Oooo! they put a star which means I am going to reach the end of the path.
Quiet moment for me
unique underpass
Water which comes from no where
OH! DONE! I had reached till the end of the hike!
hmmm they closed this area for hmm... maybe new development.
How I wished I can sneak into this place to take a good look of what is inside.
I ended my hike and took a bus home. What a hike - new place and new discovery!
Hmmm this hike was not that bad after all. Besides the popular spot at the Railway bridge and Bukit Timah. The rest was manageable.
Next time I will start from here and hiked all the way up to North :)


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