Friday, April 2, 2021

Hiking - Ren Shan Ren Hike

Good Morning Blog,

Tidying my emotions and since it was a long weekend. Let's go for a short hike!

What a bright morning! Mr Sun, give me a min. Let me settle with my mother as she thought of preparing my lunch today.
Today hike was a shock to me, which I will show you later.

Today hike, I will hike with two groups of people. Morning Session will be with ZN (he stays at my neighbor's room). I was waiting for him to get ready.
Let's go! Mr Sun and ZN.
Warm.. Peaceful... Gentle moment... As I turned around..
You see people! Let me introduce a Chinese idiom 人山人海;rén shān rén hǎi = Crowds of people, a multitude of people or a sea of people. If you break each character, 人 (rén): means Human/people, 山 (shān): means Mountain and 海 (hǎi): means Sea. For Singaporean approach of breaking down the idiom, will be (People Mountain People Sea) as many Singaporeans flocked to one location!
Check out today newspaper. Today hiking areas had become hot news! (EN News article here and here)
I guessed it is a Good Friday, Long weekend, this situation was not surprising and predictable. I will make this a title for my post - Ren Shan Ren 'Hike'!
As an INFJ myself, rarely enjoy being in large crowds and tend to feel a bit overwhelmed. From the article about INFJ, they wrote INFJ can feel the emotions of others and sensitive to the people around them, which can actually make larger crowds or groups a bit unnerving. I won't say that we are such a sensitive and weird people, but as an INFJ, we will prefer plenty of space to ourselves and crowd will be a challenge for us... it is because INFJ seems to absorb other people's emotions and make them my own, at times unable to detach from them even after they are gone. Draining...

(Thanks ZN for helping) But anyway, ZN can understand the pain that I had during the hike (I was not complaining to him or anything), ZN suggested a place where we can have pictures at. :D
(Thanks ZN) At least, something for my blog.
Throughout the whole hike, we just wanted to get out from the crowd and ZN can only accompany me for first part of the hike, so we had a breakfast somewhere and my next hike will be with M, her niece and nephew, and her tenant.

(Thanks ZN) I shall get ready for part two. I wondered when it was near noon time... Will it be crowded too?
Today was M's first time hiking, so did her nephew and niece, and her tenant. I shall bring them to see the beautiful scene of Hindhede Quarry to warm their feet first.
(Thanks to M's tenant) Smile, everyone!
I guess hiking during the noon, does help to reduce the density of the crowd. At the foot of Bukit Timah, it gave the first timer hell mode. Hahaha! The kids cannot take it. Hahaha.
HI! Mr Face! Missed you. How are you being?
(Thanks M) This is Mr Face, our Bukit Timah's iconic feature here. Mr Face, let's me introduce M's family, today is their first time hiking.
Mr Face wants you two to smile while hiking and just enjoy it, okay? :)
This empty hollow tunnel made the kids curious what can be inside.
Some uncommon animals will also captured their attention away from the tiredness, and share with them the actual name of this animal - It is a Pikachu. NO!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a Flying Lemur.
(thanks to the visitor) YES! Finally! After more than 45mins, they made it to the summit. I had to carry this little boy because he chose the challenging path (the stairs) to get to the summit. Well Done!
Time to return back to the foot, they seemed rather chilled. Low slope seems like a blessing after a hardwork of climbing.

(Thanks to M's tenant) Well done everyone. You all did well today.
Thanks M for treating us lunch and my apologises that the meal somehow got spices which you, and your niece and nephew don't like at all... I will take note.
Well, after two different day hike, overwhelmed by the crowds... I travelled all the way to the West to collect one thing...

Something which will heal me indirectly...
A new staghorn - Platycerium Holttumii but it looks like Wandae too... Who cares. My Ridheyi was not doing well... So I sourced a replacement...
To hang outside my house so that I can feel completed again.
Anyway, What a Ren Shan Ren Hike day. :) At least, I made full used of the Good Friday to complete three tasks for the early day and can rest later...


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