Friday, April 16, 2021

Hiking - Simple Evening Hike

Good evening Blog,

In my blog, updated until this posts, I seldom hiked during the evening because too rush to accompany with anyone and will spend my hiking energy on a weekend.

These few days Singapore just kept raining... Oh well, maybe it will stop.
Since Sctt was on his way to explore some places, we will carry on.
Thanks goodness, the sky was breaking up and the rain stopped! Haha
Can step out!
No water bag needed as it was a relax hike to visit a park. Want to make a guess?
Yes! It's Thomson Nature Park. I always want to know how this park looks like during evening time.
Since it will close by 7pm, so car park will be empty by now.
It was rather quiet :)
(Thanks Sctt) Perhaps I can make a trisuit theme with this stone.
Especially after rained, not a single visitor except these two crazy ones.
Perhaps after-rained visit cannot justify whatever it is great to visit this park or not
Visited the quiet toilet and have a selfie moment. Still... out of shape based on nowadays those gym-craze's social standard... Sigh... Just moved on.
(Thanks Sctt) I told Sctt that I always like to take pictures like 80% of the scenery and 20% of me. That is how I wished my pictures should be, but too bad, most of my hikes, I always alone and need to carry tripod... it is a hassle.
But today was definitely a peaceful and peaceful hike.
Introduced a bit of half correct information about this place to Sctt
I wondered will there a guided tour about this place. I will love to attend and learn more about this place.
so that, these thing's memories can be carried forward.
perhaps I should start my own research then seeking for a guided tour
Quiet park is perfect to soak myself into the tranquility zone
Take pictures with these little critters
Wanted to cross over for photo but skip
this root network makes this area unique
After rained, the fog made the scene looked "hollow" and lonely
(Credit Sctt for helping) It was getting dark so I will not walk into the "house" and just snap some pictures and exit
WOW! Amazing! The fog was not always at the negative side, because it created a beautiful Sunset moment among the trees.
With me in the picture, can't justify the beauty
Try my best to capture the moment.
What an epic moment. :) LOVE IT!
(Thanks Sctt) Perfect! This is what I always want for my pictures! To show how small I am.
(Thanks Sctt) Like these for examples, Which one you will prefer?
Since we just finished Thomson Park and got beautiful sunset, we double our steps to Lower Peirce to catch Mr Sun!
(Thanks Sctt) take pictures of the 80:20% rule. Hmm based on the scale... Should be 90% scenery 10% of me. Shall give this rule a proper name - 1/9 scenery shot.
What a calm lake... Very surreal.
(thanks Sctt) Or a silhouette shot of me?
Why is great about hiking? Beside a causal workout, it is "food" for our soul.
From time to time, I will start to reflect upon myself...
Why I can't move out of my past... especially the bad ones...
beautiful Sunset, isn't it?
Honestly, If it was the time before I learned myself as INFJ, I might be lost and depressed... self-hate and living in an endless spiral-abyss...
(Thanks Sctt) After knowing I am an INFJ, I learned from my fellow INFJs...
(Thanks Sctt) That INFJs are quite a nostalgic type...
(Thanks Sctt) ... It will take us some time to move forwards...
(Thanks Sctt) I can see that nostalgic behaviour pattern in me...
(Thanks Sctt) Even playing games, I love to play older games... because it brings back sweet memories... Like I played MHW... during the circuit breaker on 2020 and I had a great time. And now... everyone is playing new MH... I still play alone in the lobby... helping some newer members...
Nice colour sunset :)
(Thanks Sctt) So... old memories still struck in me... and it will fade off as I am moving forwards...
Just like when I walked, the shadow will follow me... I used to dig in my shadow while back-facing the light. I learn to turn myself around and walk towards the light, while knowing the shadow is still behind me. Time to time, I will tend to look back to check at the shadow. One thing I will know, is... One day when I got so close to the light, it will be just shrunk under my feet. :) That day will come.
I will go for some evening hike again. :) Great to spend time with Mr Sun and thank Sctt for helping out.

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