Saturday, January 19, 2019

Hiking - Keep Up a Smile

Good Morning Blog,

Yawning... the weekend was here again.

The morning weather seems gloomy but the sun has less power for now. Perfect weather for hiking!
Wanted to sleep more...
But NO! Time to go!
Grab a fresh uncooked corn to fill up my fat tummy.
Feeling happy that I can go for a good hike again and a revenge of no hiking/cycling for last week
Nom nom nom
For the moment, it was a perfect time to have a self-reflection moment
A me-Time!
But... the wood got too crowded... that I want to escape away from.
All I can reflect - workload... I have three times more workloads than what I had previously... I need to find my balance...
Sooner... I will be alright
I know it is compulsory to grow in spiritually and responsibility; a bit of challenge is a training session to be better.
No matter how busy I am, at least I have not forgotten who I am. A stranger sought for a direction (he was lost) so I decided to bring him to the right track.
and... I made a mistake... I brought him to a tougher and wrong route...
But lucky he was okay for it even though he is 60+ years old and felt tired. He still accepted it with a smile.
I have to learn from him to keep up a smile no matter what.
After this, I bumped to another passenger to ask for direction to Singapore Quarry, I guided him professionally. Felt like a guru. XD
I guessed whatever going to lay ahead of us, will always be taken care.
I am just needed to be ready to lend my helping hand to anyone because kindness will pay forward. :)
Anyway back to my hike, It has being a long time since I visited Bukit Batok Nature Park. (I checked back, it was 2017! Hahaha.)
At Bukit Batok nature park, there is a steep road up - what a great workout.
It seemed like the sun has gained back its power.
Lucky I had 15% left to hike.
Bukit Batok Quarry
I recalled in my blog post, I mentioned that the quarry is so beautiful and quiet, usually, people will come from another side of Singapore to witness it's awesomeness
After that, it will be forgotten...
but that doesn't wear it off...
Because it stands and serves not just for the people but...
to give support to the lives here and accept the light from Heaven.
I will too. Accept the light and serve others like the quarry.
Even though I might be forgotten...
or judged by others...
I am Me. One and only - Jeff. Have I accepted who I am yet?
Just like the tree embraces the stone. they become something unique, aren't they?
Even the small pond beside the quarry (larger pond)...
They hold and give support to the lives...
Calm and contented
Can you spot the number of lives within a single shot here?
Wow! LITTLE GUILIN! Finally! After nearly 3 hours+ of hiking, I had arrived Bukit Gombak Quarry!
Just like others, time to take a picture. Smile!
This quarry is so peaceful.
Best thing about this quarry is...
Except for small little creatures watching and chill
Speaking about 10 years challenge... Hope the next 10 years, it will remain the same. :)
Love the rocky formation at Bukit Gombak Quarry aka Little Guilin
It doesn't look like in Singapore.
Quicky snap for more pictures before unexpected visitors come and my wild imagination started to load.
Look at the nice dome.
Great place for a picnic.
Big space for a big family group to picnic.
You know why I love to visit quarry? Little Guilin is one of my favourite quarry... because there is no fence to block you...
Too bad, the sun gained full power which brightened the whole sky and washed off the shot...
Time to take a few shots before I ended today hike.
this quarry also enhanced the pictures quality.
Like make me feel manly
Very poetic!
People said, "a picture can tell a thosand words." I guess it does!
As long as I just interact with it
I guessed I will need a good tripod to take a good shot here
No matter what, at least I found back the smile that I lost a while...
The hike was so rewarding :)
But...something happen to my camera... My camera EX-FR100 can't connect to the controller... I guess I will have sent for repair sooner...

Cheap doesn't mean good; what I need to pay in total... I will have to pay no matter what... Feeling like tied down for it... I will accept it with a smile.


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