Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Jogging - June Jogging

Hi Blog,

Circuit Breaker was over and now moving to Phrase one. Hmmm... It seemed like the situation was getting better but still restrictive - wearing mask is a new norm. But for jogging, it is excusable for not wearing one.

So I will continue my jogging activity as usual
2nd Jun 2020 - Got a chance to jog with W. I have to treasure this moment jogging with W because he will be moving to a new place in the next few months. thanks W for jogging with me, hope your wife will jog in too.
5th Jun 2020 - Today jog was to force me to dress up and go for it. Once I started jogging, my tiredness and laziness just wore off. Feeling free like sitting the swing.
8th Jun 2020 - Lucky W asked me for jogging, if not, my laziness might kick in. Hahaha... motivation from one another is a great way to get our axx out.
10th Jun 2020 - S told me that he wanted to go for a quick jog. :) Despite I knew the rain is coming, but we still went for a jog and the rain came in when we had finished the session. Beautiful sunset and managed to spot a Whip snake in the wood. :) And thanks S for helping me to capture some shots which I don't get to capture if I jogged alone. :D
16th Jun 2020 - Wanted to jog but... It got rather... too sensitive and hard to jog. Might need to take a break from jogging.
22nd Jun 2020 - It seemed like I got better and went for a slow jog. I believe I will gt better with another week. Thanks W for in-need of jogging which motivated me.
30th Jun 2020 - Despite that I have not recovered but I still tried to jog to end my June jogging and completed one Trisuit Theme. As you see that there are not many interesting posts for June. Hope you don't mind.

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