Sunday, June 7, 2020

Hiking - With my Childhood Friends

Good Morning Blog,

One more short post for today. Lucky that today weather seemed positive and...

I had to get ready to step out early like 730am.
As I will be hiking with my childhood friends, WX and W. Both of them had not visited Labrador Park before, despite WX stays near that park.

Let's go! Bro, and maintain social distancing which in the end, never happen when close friends get together.
The visitors were quite dense to this park, I guess Labrador Park is a convenient and accessible park.
It had been a while since I visited this park. Love this park but there is something which I don't like in this park.
Do you which one I am referring to? Is it because of the park? is it because of no impressive scenery?
Ah! our bro was busy "making" videos here
Nice sun lens flare here. Thanks W for helping.
Labrabor Park has many interesting and well preserved historical stuff but... there is one thing which makes the whole experience so bad... That made my bros wanted to exit the park desperately - The Mosquitoes Swamp!
It seemed like they are not used to mosquitoes bites as I am. They just ended the whole Labrador Park visit after less than 30 mins...
WX made this simple short video and he did it well :) Very professional.
Anyway, because they were too fast for the hike, I suggested we walk to Sentosa since I have not walked on this broadwalk and heard from S that Sentosa is like a dead island. Perfect to visit. :D
Let's go!
Wow wow... No wonder I have yet visited this broadwalk before... Because it is a place where the rich stays. Not for people like me to hang around too long before I hang myself due to feeling shxtty of myself.
We were kind of lost when we entered Vivo but still managed to find our way
And have the picture moment. :)
While walking along the bridge, it brought back a lot of sweet memories when we were young and discussed of the changes of Sentosa before and after. Sweet bonding session.

Finally got a chance to snap some pictures with the free display outside Eye-trick museum.
Perfect situation for a movie session here.
Tell me when is the moment when you can take a picture with this Universe Studio Globe without visitors around you? Now is the perfect time!
Too bad, my arms are lesser muscular than him and he looks cooler too.
My brothers can't take it anymore, gave up hiking in Sentosa. So we took the train back to Vivo.
I guess I will have to visit Sentosa again and slowly explore this 'sleeping' island before it wakes up again. At least, it was a good catch up session with my childhood friends (30 years of friendship)


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