Saturday, June 6, 2020

Hiking - After Rained

Good Morning Blog,

As titled, Yes! Lack of creativity to come out with a good title for my Hike. Until dated, I had 110+ Hiking posts already... Difficult to come out a good title. Anyway...

This is my first time hiking right after the rain. Lucky it stopped; if not, today will be happening.
Today morning after rain stopped, Mr I wanted to go out because he had been struck at home during CB. So best to accompany him to meet Mr Sun or Mother Nature.

Wearing mask is a new norm... but I don't really like it at all... Can't take pictures with a smile. OH! Forgot to call for the lift
Met up Mr I at the train station and I was late. My bad.
Mr Sun, Mr I and I were ready for a warm humid hike. 
Mr I had not visited Lower and Upper Peirce, and Thomson Park (since three parks are side by side), so best to bring him there so that he can re-visit and visit those places with his wife.

We shall start from this big drain at Lower Peirce because he won't explore this part alone.
Thanks Mr I for helping me to take most of the pictures for the day.
Such big drainage is a human marvellous work. A healthy civilisation will require such network for our water source and other stuff
Lower Peirce is one simple and easy park to visit
Shall I bring you around?
Welcome to Lower Peirce Reservoir. It is one of the easy parks to visit and it has one beautiful small reflective lake which is perfect for any first-timer and with family. (after CB) 
A tomb-like plate to credit whoever built this reservoir
When you are at Lower Peirce, must take pictures here
Beside beautiful lake, there is a nature trail here too.
A platform is one unique highlight at Lower Peirce
The mask just got into the way for as a beautiful scenery
Or you can just sit down and chill here
And also spend some time to check out some small critters
But not for those who fear of staring at small critters. Give you some goosebumps.
If critters are not what you like, just enjoy the moment of tranquility
The problem of wearing mask + high humility condition (after rain) - foggy spectacles.
After visited Lower Peirce, if you feel that you want to explore further, you can try Upper Peirce for the next level
Route to Upper Peirce is a long boring one. If you are alone, check out for monkeys, wild chickens and wild boars perhaps, to keep yourself entertained. If you are with friends/family, do spend time to chit-chat, as it is perfect for heart-to-heart-talk.
Due to CB period, many parks were locked but Upper Peirce gate maybe locked but you still can access from the side. :D
As usual, Upper Peirce is perfect quiet park in Singapore, which it is away from city and resident area.
It is a small park which you can complete the whole park within your sight in 180 degree view.
Don't forget to take pictures with a wide open lake shot
If you come early morning like 7am, you will manage to see the beautiful sunrise here :)
and some beautiful bloom
After rained, this park was deserted. Hahaha! Perfect for....
Spidey shot!
Trying to find a perfect spot and snapped as many as possible
MY fat tummy got into the way of posing. Too fat to be Spiderman
Wanted to take more pictures but visitors started to visit the park and had to undress asap before I got judged even more.
And rain started to pour
Lucky we were on our way to explore Thomson Nature Park where will be sheltered by trees
But not every part in the park is covered though
Lucky it stopped raining and continued to explore the ruin here
Someone built something special here. I won't touch it :)
What a special place here but during raining time, the mosquitoes started to turn hungry. Better leave asap!
It is a peaceful walk in Thomson Nature Park, we must learn to enjoy it.
I guessed it is quite late and the mosquitoes army was having buffet which kind of annoying.
Have to leave that place and hope you can come here and experience it yourself or with family/loved one after CB was over.
Oh yes, do try to take pictures here too before the plants consumed the whole heading.
Comb up my hairs and smile in front of the mirror. Mirror-selfie - I am so vain. Hahaha!
And take pictures with the beloved rock with words. Not many places have such rock.
Have to end our hike so that...
can go back home and scratch those bites. Oh man! Itchy!
Today hike was a short and standard one. Thanks Mr I for helping me to take pictures and won't mind me dressed up as Spidey. Hope you can bring your wife for these three parks.


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