Sunday, June 28, 2020

Personal - June Randomness

Hi Blog,

These days I felt kind of emo... Decided to limit my usage of social media and I removed most of my IG pictures (especially those pictures of me working out, thinking process, animals/flowers/sceneries and other nonsense pictures) and left pictures of me in group setting and DONE. Slowly, will leave IG very soon.

Lucky, I am keeping this blog to those who appreciate and so I won't need to overly affected by responses.
Anyway, I have to thank you to those who dropped their messages to encourage and motivate me. I feel appreciated and glad to have readers like you to be around. Thank you so much.
8th Jun 2020 - Just when I left my workplace, I received a call from my mother telling me that my brother and herself met a car accident. So I rushed down and observed the situation (trying not to be too worrying) The grey vehicle belonged to my brother and hit by incoming vehicle (drew on the map) After a while in hospital, heard from my mother and brother's sharing and studied their injuries. They were alright. We decided to let our mother to stay overnight for further observation. Thanks Heaven, they are safe and sound.
9th Jun 2020 - I took an urgent leave and attended my mother in hospital but it seemed like I was too early for the visiting time so I went for a window shopping nearby. I should take more pictures there. Hahaha!
10th Jun 2020 - First time for a long long time, bathing under thunder storm after jogging. I was totally retrenched and nice feeling :D Everywhere was wet and I wished I can soak some more before I feel the cold. YAHOO! I can sing in the rain!
13th Jun 2020 - the urge was overwhelming until I showed up at the fruit stall (under my block) staring at the durians and pull out my cash to get those. :) I decided to treat my aunties and mother, made them happy at least. And yup, my tummy also.
14th Jun 2020 - I can't believe that my mother bought like 280+ of grocery while others wondered what is going on. Lucky that we didn't sweep certain item and behave like certain type of people.
16th Jun 2020 - My love for Spicy Mala - My colleague got me a vegetarian Mala sauce from Qoo10. After trying... It is barely Level 1 spiciness... I guess I will have to find a better version after finished it next time. :D
19th Jun 2020 - Working as a Civil servant, today was my honour and trusted as a banking officer. The increase in responsibilities ensures that my role in school had changed. I do miss teaching but it will be a sweet memory for me.
21st Jun 2020 - wanted to go for a ride or short hike, but rain got into the way and my mother required an accompany to extend her MC... Lucky I didn't go for my workout as it rained heavier and I have a serious headache...
23rd Jun 2020 - Singapore 2020 first downpour. On my way to work, I had no choice but to remove my shoes under a small umbrella. Feeling so cool to soak my foot in the rain pool. How nice to sleep under such cool weather, right?
24th Jun 2020 - Went for a grocery trip with my mother and my elder brother. They also treated me a bubble tea. Yummy! I decided to drink it when I start my gaming session later. But... my elder brother knocked it to the floor. Nightmare which I have to accept.
25th Jun 2020 - Today was Dumpling Festival. I don't know anything on how to make one to eat or play a music for that. And one more month later, will be my day. All I know, I can be one Fat Dumpling. XD Just to act cute.
26th Jun 2020 - I found my first owned jacket since I was fifteen. It is with me for like 25+ years! I can remember that I saved for quite some time to get enough to buy a cheap range denim jacket - like the 80s movies. I glad that I can still fit in.
27th Jun 2020 - Decided to take my waifu out and observed my body had recovered or not. It seemed like raining spoiled the morning moment and my body has not recovered yet. :) But at least, I had recovered greatly since two weeks ago. Will recover sooner.
28th Jun 2020 - I can't believe that I slept throughout the whole nice sunny morning... and still continued to sleep until 4+ What a lazy bum I am...

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