Saturday, May 11, 2019

Personal - New Phone Yippee

Hi Blog,

I am so happy to get a new phone from my mother at an affordable price of $388 + my mother's recontract, and also thank you ZN for loaning me money to get the new phone.

iPhone 5 SE (have this for five years), BlackView (since 2018 Oct) and now... I got myself a...
I got the latest Huawei Phone P30 Pro!
Usually, I won't follow phone trend like others do and will use my phone until it is no longer functional. But this new phone - HuaWei P30 Pro camera really amazed me after it came out. I believe you will be attracted to things which expresses who you are. Don't you think so?

My first selfie shot from P30 Pro. hahaha disgusting look, am I?
I have not really known a lot about how to use my new phone totally. I guess it is refreshing to learn how to use my new phone. P30 Pro can capture light very well!
I tried it's wide function and it is just like my EX-FR100 but with an instant output. I won't need to take out from my bag and switch on my camera.
On Friday, I promise to visit my army friend who will be setting up a stall at Haji Lane at Arab Street
Huawei P30 Pro has three cameras which have its own individual function. How nice to have a camera to have whether function under your hand at your convenience.
One of the most impressive function is that it's zoom function. It does not digitally zoom but a real-time zoom.
Like this Masjid Sultan, you won't be able to see much detail on the ground. Then I try it 10x zoom and it still maintains it's detail!
While my friend is busy setting up his stall, let's try the zoom function
this is wide which is my usual shot with EX-FR100
Oh my, it's 10x zoom!
20x zoom, it seems it has come to its zoom limit before digital zoom started.
grainy at 50x zoom but it will look okay when it is small.
Haji Lane has one amazing place which is this UV lilted place. The colour is so rich here.
So for now, when I go hiking... I can use two cameras
I can' tell the difference between my EX-FR100 and P30 Pro wide zoom
I will say my EX-FR100 has its own unique place in my heart
For convenience sake, P30 will ease my photography experience.
Like this situation
I can simply zoom in and save a lot of time
and capture scene which my previous phone can't do.
P30 Pro wide isn't as wide as my EX-FR100, but good enough
But it is still good!
Dramatic sky for today hike
I guess whenever I need to be in the picture, EX-FR100 will cover for me.
Anything which I need to zoom... P30 Pro will help. Hmm what am I taking here...
Perhaps something like this situation, EX-FR100 can't take any zoom picture unless I go closer to it.
Perfect picture which I can keep a distance away from it.
And a perfect picture which I keep myself in it.
I decided to create a new label for my new phone P30 Pro - Huawei in my future posts. So what am I going to do with my Blackview phone? It will become my spare phone for home entertainment.


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