Saturday, May 4, 2019

Hiking - Checking on Thomson Nature Park

Hi Blog,

Dongsaeng K told me that there is a new nature park named Thomson Nature Park. (link and link) somehow I can recognize the location so I decide to pay that place a visit.

Gloomy weather today
Somehow this weekend, I don't feel any motivation to workout... At least, this new park motivates me. Initially, Dongsaeng K wanted to come along but earlier on, it rained so spoiled the hiking further. I feel that I should go there and take a look, and better don't waste Dongsaeng K for coming down.

Let's go!
This is my first time to hike during noon. I guess I will try to hike more in the noon because of lesser crowd perhaps.
Anyway, if the sun isn't strong enough, will be perfect :)
During noon, most of the crowds will have traveled or escaped to elsewhere than hiking. :)
I take this moment to think through life and reflect on my new addiction...
In between Lower and Upper Peirce (left), I will take this path (right) to find that new park.
And continue walking here
Along the way, I see warning and warning like this, telling me to turn around.
Based on online information, this Thomson Nature Park was once a Kampung before and uncle J told me, he lived here when he was young. I guess this path is another way in but I don't step in.
After a while, I find this construction and it will be Thomson Nature Park in the future.
In one of my blog posts before (but I can't find it anymore... weird... I remember I visited this place) and this is one of the entrance.
Last time, it was dark and creepy but now it is somehow bright.
After bashing through web and mosquitoes attack...
I found an opening in Thomson Nature Park - They are in the midst of tidying and fixing a route.
What a good concrete ground and it is rather quiet despite the busy road is just outside.
I have the park, all by myself.
As I walk in further. I sense something - telling me to leave now. I guess the spirits are telling me that I am actually breaking in without any authority and permission, and there is something ahead. I will respect the message and exit.
It is a short hike and at least I sweat a bit... Honestly, I want to go to Upper Seletar... But my motivation goes to zero.... I hope I can regain my motivation again.
I guess... I think why I lost motivation because... my anxiety kicks in... my unworthiness thoughts start to flood in... I think... whoever feel that I am alright will only make me feel even lousier... I know no one will understand how I truly feel... All I hope to read, is more advice and encouragement on 'Value beyond our body' or 'our body doesn't define our Worthiness'. Don't tell me that I am okay or great which I am not... As it is my deep and darker part of my earlier life, now I am learning to stand strong on the values (as mentioned)

The fear that I have... whenever and whoever compliment my body image, I feel they have other motives. Like some promoters trying to make me feel great so they can get what they want... As I won't wish to disappoint another person. To make it more worse... When I can't provide to other people, they start to distant me... That will only add onto my worthiness...

Anyway... I am just ranting here... Thanks Blog for lending your ears to me. I will learn to move on; I have no control over their thoughts. Befriend or not, it is their choice. I still treat them as friends. Meanwhile, I shall heal myself...



  1. Cheer up Jeffrey. Believe in yourself. Be optimistic. Happiness and how you feel is a choice. Do not be bothered by negative remarks. Everybody is unique and always stay positive.

    1. Aww... Thank you Uncle J. Thanks for being there lending me a pair of "reading eyes" and words of encouragement.


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