Monday, May 13, 2019

Personal - WE Cinema First Class Experience

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post which I wish to mark in my diary. Initially, I thought that I would make this experience in random post, so ended up I didn't capture many shots.

My first First/Gold class movie experience
Anyway, today my friends and I will be watching the movie - Avengers End Game at Eng Wah cinema, and we are watching it in first class.

This is my first time watching movie first class aka gold class; because the movie duration is a three hours long and it will worth the money for paying for first class experience than typical movies.

Smile guys!
First Class for three hours then back to common class which I belong
Comfortable seat and you can lay down to watch the movie comfortably. Sometimes too comfortable that you might snooze off! But for End Game, I doubt so!

The feeling of stretching your legs out while watching a big screen is a wonderful experience
Movie starts!
Oh yeah, there is one thing which I embarrassed myself...

Something about this cushion
Did you notice that they have a packed cushion for each chair? I thought it is a small token for the guest. I try to confirm by searching online, and I don't find no statement about the Eng Wah first class cushions. So I pack it into my bag and just before I exited; I am asked to surrender the cushion and demand me to return it to where it belongs... What an embarrassing moment. I guess it is my fault after all... To have a greedy thought.

What an awesome, tiring and shameful night. So I will end a statement for readers - Eng Wah WE Cinema First Class Cushion is not meant to bring back. It is not for you as souvenir.



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