Saturday, May 25, 2019

Cycling - Trying

Good Morning Blog,

Saturday morning supposed to guide a group of my friends to recce Upper and Lower Peirce for a kid group outing so it ended up... You know what happened next... So I decide to take my waifu out to try out her new shoes (tyres) and I want to try out one thing.

Are you ready to go, waifu?
I carry something unusual... It looks a bit weird for a cyclist to carry such a bag...
Riding my waifu with her new 'shoes', I notice a 30% +/- time reduce per KM. Usually my fatbutt will take around 4mins +/- per km, but this time around is 3mins +/- per km. Even though not very impressive, but the rolling resistance is reduced so it is a good thing.
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Great to see my waifu smile again.
Honestly... I am wondering around here... a while
because today morning, Upper Peirce got a lot of visitors.
I can't... or feel comfort taking pictures while people are looking around.
Especially on my right side... there is an elder doing workout...
Right now... I am battling the anxiety whether should I take out the item in the bag... Seriously... I really want to go back now...
but... I tell myself... I don't care now! Let's do it!
Which I want to take a picture here with my infinity gauntlet!
Switch on and the 'roaring' sound alert that elder... his curious, puzzled and judging stare... makes me feel extremely nervous.
I don't care anymore. After this event, he will only remember a weirdo playing a prop.
well... my anxiety increases by 30%... I want to do this pose while facing the lake...
Hand up and feel the power while someone is judging me from behind
Don't you see the power of overcoming my anxiety at work?
But... I pause... I feel... my power is weaken.... as there are many people checking on my direction... I wait...
After a while, I walk toward the lake and capture the shot I wanted (but not perfect at all... need to take at a higher level)
but I must be contented to this result... that I managed to control my anxiety; not fully but at least something. 
Checking all the pictures and sadly can't have Easter Egg shot...
but it is a worthy for me to pose an infinity gauntlet thumbup pose to end the day
Thanks Infinity Gauntlet for light up my day and give me courage.
I will try it again next time.


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