Saturday, June 30, 2018

Personal - Random June

Hi Blog,

Finally half of the year has gone, June is here. To look back my blogging experience, I am glad I cultivate my blogging habit, making a purpose for it and treat it as a life journey which I will share with people who care/bother. Thank you to some of my readers out there. You are part of the reasons why I am still writing. :)

3rd Jun 2018 - Here I will like to share my first design work after I graduated from Art school. I used to work at Hit Studio Karaoke Box, and helped to redesign the dog mascot with a new V-sign gesture. Now the karaoke had closed down and sold to Cash Studio then shifted to Australia. This dog mascot outside Cash Studio is my only design that remains.
5th Jun 2018 - Sometimes I can get really lose within the sound of how others think, then what about my thinking towards certain situation? I am not mainstream seeker, I am a truth seeker.
6th Jun 2018 - I have a meeting during evening time and I feel tired to go back home then travel to my meeting place again, so I checked GV and learned there is a new movie just able to kill some time off, so I watched it alone. After a good movie session, I checked my wallet... I regretted it... I have to really tighten my wallet and NO MORE PURCHASE after the halloween night.
14th Jun 2018 - Ugly me trying to lit my mood to take pictures of myself...
17th Jun 2018 - Since Sunday I needed to stay at home helping out to shift furniture for wall painting, I spared some time to wash my fatbike.
20th Jun 2018 - Today is my first time having staff retreat together with teachers. Feeling happy to learn and bond with them, even though I am still not as close as what I wish for, but this is good enough. And it is my first time holding a Bass guitar and play like as if I am the expert.
26th Jun 2018 - Be positive and even though it is tough but I am doing it alright.
26th Jun 2018 - It has been awhile since I took a picture of myself. Recently, I am just too preoccupied by some of my work and moody too. Now I look back to my blog, June for 2018 seems like No much activity.
28th Jun 2018 - I felt so positive when the butterfly just stood there calmly drinking its nectar. At times, it was an encouragement for me that Nature takes me in its force stream.
29th Jun 2018 - These few days I didn't have many posts to make, due to my busy schedule but at least I have to update my random post, right? Today I finally can spend money on a haircut. I think I should change my hairstyle...
30th Jun 2018 - This is Rong, my army friend. What a fate we have until today, it has been more than 15+ years. I knew him in my temporary holding unit (despite we worked together for just three months). After our posting, we still kept in touch through friendster and catch up with other mates. After ORD, we separated our way to establish our future but I also attended his grandfather's funeral too. Besides those, I was asked to be his brother during his wedding. Then a few zonal school meeting at my ex-workplace, PXPS, and now at my current workplace, DXPS. We bump to one another without any planning. Pure Destiny. We are brothers for life. :)
30th Jun 2018 - Before 12, Rex (my brother's room tenant) helped me to style my hair and apply a lot of hair-spray, here is the result, nice?

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