Thursday, June 14, 2018

Hiking - Solitude Hike

Good Morning Blog,

These few days beside my busy schedule, I also fell sick (physically), poor (financially), and my recently ended relationship, I chose to remain cold and numb-feeling, rather than feeling painful; my friend concurred I am someone who possesses such shxtty personality will never find Miss Right. Anyway... not important, Blog... it is my life and fate.

Can't sleep well due to my sore throat and numbing mood (denial stage) Only managed to sleep for three hours... I just forced myself to go for a hike alone.
It was 7am and the sky showed how cloudy my mood was.
Hiking alone trying to keep my feeling drunk and tired to have any imagination. I just hiked with an empty mind.
OOOO! Finally, I managed to bump to this unique mushroom. At least something which put a smile on my face.
One of the things which need to be mentioned during my hiking times...
This stream of water often kisses my shoes when I was careless on those slippery rocks, but there are some unsung heroes used broken logs to build a small bridge for hikers to cross over safely. :)
Include this one. Without them, I can say goodbye to my clean shoes.
During this hike... it was so peaceful as there was no one hiked during weekday.
But... I can't lit up my mood.
Some interesting insect spotted along the way too. Are you endangered yourself just to cheer me up with your bright colour? :)
Peaceful and quiet hike... Sometimes I wonder who will walk such activity with me...
Thankful there isn't anyone around me. I am just an eyesore.
Maybe I should not soak myself in negativeness and continued my hiking.
Singapore Quarry with a calm and blue scenery.
Hi fishes. :) it is unusual for them to appear suddenly, waiting for someone to feed them?
Daily Farm Quarry - I just lay down for awhile.
I thought awhile since it was a weekday, I should visit Chestnut Nature Park.
Massive Flower Mushroom - if it is chicken of the woods mushroom, it will be great!
Giant Ant spotted - It is so rare to capture it hence it will move constantly. Thank you for cheering me. :)
I concluded something today...
Life still goes on... All I just need is someone knows that I actually care and love, and all I treasure isn't myself but a bigger self.


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