Sunday, June 24, 2018

Personal - Teen Outing Activity

Good Morning Blog,

Today is Sunday and last day of June School holiday; it is also one of the day when we (my team and I) executed an Outing for the teens and youths, and I am one of the IC for group 2.

The theme for the activity is Amazing Food Race.
We have a lot of fun together and I will share with you some detail of the activity (trying to appreciate the effort that the game communitee did)

Let's look at the breakdown of the activity and some group pictures which we managed to take while playing.
There will be five stations to clear in order to get the hint for ending point.
Rough gauge of the game time will spend and end.
Here is our starting point and after a ice-break, we are on our way to find the mystery man in the quiet building which somehow draw a lot of attention by the guards and shoppers.
Found our mystery man, WJ, after 20 mins... We are the last team to find him. Oh man... Okay! let's look at the next hint!
Hmmm... We are supposed to go station B. Where do you think it will be?
Yes! It is at Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and check out the tasks.
Not sure whether will I have the video file of the game progress, if I got it, I will post it here.

Spent more than 25 mins for this food replacement. Our tasked drawing food was carrot cake and because I was the first to draw so I started to feel stressed, then I drew a carrot + cake. And we passed it smoothly. :D
While seeking for the food, we were also tasked to complete some side-quests along the way; and one of the side-quests was to take picture with a Buddha statues.
Another side-quest was to take picture with tourists. It may sound like an easy quest but believe me, they aren't easy and quite against the request. I guess they are protecting themselves in some way... Quite sad to witness that, human starts to space apart due to some bad apples around. So we just completed this task to ensure tourists are within our pictures.
Our next hint. Hmmm... Where is this place? Ah! We checked the name of the street and triangulated our next station. Do you know where is this?
While we were walking to our next station, we tried to clear some of our Side-quests. Doing four different expressions was one of those.
Side-quest: To take picture with something important for saving fire.
Side-quest: to take picture with Lotus Restaurant menu and so we did :)
Have you guessed the correct location? Yes it is at Hong Lim Park. I have not set my foot at this well-known place and this is the challenge at Station A.
Each of us takes up the challenges and the challenge begins.
We failed due to the bottle unable to flip-stand in time.
Our successful challenge video :D
Our next hint to station E. Hmmm where is this place...
Side-quest: To do a successful group jump shot.
Ooooh! It is at National Gallery Singapore. Honestly... There are so many places in Singapore, I have not really visited. Hope I will visit there again properly.
Time to hunt for those!
We managed to find only six of them and time's up. Besides Station time expired, the whole game had to stop and we were given the ending point.
The hint for the ending point. Do you manage to guess the final destination?
Here are two stations that we didn't manage to clear. Personally, I will love to go to fortune centre for the Food Chain :D At least got something to eat!
Everyone came back safely and game ended with a group shot. :)
Thank you, Game Communitee and everyone for making this outing a safe and fun one. :) Next year again. :D


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