Monday, June 4, 2018

Personal - My DSLR Workshop

Hi Blog,

I have started learning SLR camera since my schooling time, and the experience of using it was not pleasured. Firstly, that SLR is a manual camera, I need to adjust Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO etc etc. I was helpless and needed to spend money to feed in new film and spent money to develop to see the result; but it always ended up too late to know where had gone wrong. Thanks, today technology DSLR enables us to preview our shoot and correct ourselves instantly.

Attending a DSLR refresher course by Z which helped me greatly.
So we were asked to visit a few places to do a street photography, something which I don't do it usually.

Basic rule of photography
Z showed us this interesting and funny video on Street Photography
Let's me show you some of the shoots I took. :) Let me give me some feedback.

Places that we will be visiting, were Little India and Ophir Road.

I adjusted my shutter speed to limit the light to create an emotional scene, as if the dresses looking down at us waiting for us to take them home.
With the same setting to show the unit row of dresses
What a crowded place with dresses - I guessed it was too dark which in fact, that was the actual lighting at Tekka Market.
Street photography won't have any chance for me to do any ideal setting or reshoot, so I learned I have to get ready the setting beforehand.
Many westerns are their usual customers.
Little India, Tekka Market, has a unique alter which hosts an Indian and Chinese statues; the fusion of it shows the religion-harmony.
I wanted to capture this mannequin to show a mystery lady looking at me but it turned out, it is a blur shoot... Weird thing is that you can't tell from the DSLR preview screen. 
Stays focused
Wondering customer
Looks like a market in different country
Street photography is to showcase the lifestyle of the people.
I love the colour from the flowers - break the pattern
I didn't adjust my shutter speed in time to capture the bees because I stood in front of the stall for a while.
Perspective shot
Some other Perspective shots but I love the third one
Dominated Eye from the Peacock feather
A unique door from hmm somewhere. LOL
I tried to capture this so that we can appreciate the texture and pattern.
Some street artists busy sketching - You don't get to see this anymore.
Contrast of the old and new building
I understand the mechanism of shutter speed and aperture, but I don't understand ISO that much. From this shots, I started to understand what is ISO means in photo app image setting; that is 'Shadow' setting. The higher the value of ISO, it will increase the shadow of the image.
This one is my favourite shot as it showed a strong contrast of human, nature and building.
I increased the ISO and keep a fast shutter speed because it was very bright condition, and captured this beautiful lady.
I must say I am lucky to capture this shot without many visitors flooded this street.
No time to adjust my ISO, it looks so dark before this Ferrari boom-boom-away.
I credited this wall artist, this is an amazing artwork.
Arab Street where they bring Arab-stuff here.
Different Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO can create two different outcomes. Honestly... until now, I am still not sure which setting I should set first or prioritise first.
I concluded a set of rules (correct me please if you have a knowledge towards this matter):

  1. Set Aperture first: The smaller value for brightest condition, biggest value for dark condition
  2. Next set ISO: increase the value to see how bright I want it to lit up for the shadow part but higher ISO will cause grainy effect which somehow spoiled the image.
  3. Last Shutter Speed: Depend on the subject's movement or allow the amount of light to enter

Sometime I really love to capture the life along the street
If there is no people standing there, I will start my selfie here.
Masjid Sultan with the correct setting - every thing just nice.
We were asked to go up to the top of a building to capture the whole Singapore.
Beautiful scene :)
I felt a phone can do a decent job in the day time but DSLR still can do BETTER with different setting. (if the DSLR isn't that heavy, I will carry it around)
Ended our day here
Thank you Team.
I will try to post some more DSLR photos in a new post next time since we have to capture some other places together.


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