Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Personal - Jia You! Jeff!

Hi Blog,

Sorry that I didn't have a good topic to talk about, because I feel tired physically to emotionally to spiritually. So I just share with you some of things which I am busy with, and can't get enough rest... But I am not complaining anything; I feel at least I don't waste my time away.

Physically Aspect

It has been a while since I cycle to work.  Look how fat I am. Haha... But I feel satisfied because at least I did some workout.

I also take this moment to visit my previous school to see mr Louis (who took over my place in PVPS) and some students. 

I feel happy seeing my students, but I can sense the distance between us... I guess it is normal. They can forget about me... I won't forget them.

Anyway, cycling is a tiring thing, I will continue to do so too.

And recently I have been doing cardio workout everyday before bathing. Here is the video I follow. 

Quite interesting and let me tell you something- I can't complete the whole workout. I struggled to do until 50% (sweat like raining and body aching) hmmmm I will keep up the workout!

Emotional Aspect

Look at the sky - foggy and hazy. My emotion is like that for quite some time, I feel clouded and emotionless... Somehow feel worthless or unworthy... 

But by looking at nature like this carrot flowers, I understand my emotions are just temporary. I am just trying not to pollinate the flowers (my emotions) and stay over neutral stand over my emotions. 

Well sometimes I just let my emotions go by singing karaoke loud and alone.

Sometimes it is good to release my emotions by singing my favourite song. I feel better whereas I have no one to talk to.

Spiritual Aspect

One morning the sky displayed this sight, I feel so happy. I have to know that the "sun" inside me is still shining despite of hazardous weather. I will keep my head up!

And even though I have bad physical figure or being/tends to be emotional, I have to accept one thing, this is me - the real me. I don't wish to pretend. Just like this ants.

Others may think they are just ants and worthless but every ants play their parts. I have my own positive traits and I should learn to look into. Ants have never looked down onto itself, they are just one united being. I have a lot to learn.

Jia you! Jeff! Jia you!


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