Saturday, November 14, 2015

Personal - First visit of Shangri-la Hotel - TheLine

Hey Blog,

Today is my first time visiting Shangri-la Hotel. I used to hear of that hotel name, but I doubt I will go on my own to that hotel. Credit to my cousin's wedding, he hosted it in that hotel. It is also a good chance for me to look around. 

In this post, nothing much reviewing about the hotel. Just some random personal post of my virgin visit of that hotel.

Full of awes lobby! The lighting and atmosphere are awesome.
My mother and I got dressed up and smiled for my instagram 
Hmmmm That picture reminds me how fortunate and unfilial I am as her son... I am glad that my mother still healthy and we still hang out. But feeling bad that I still can't get a partner for her to rest her mind....  I feel so useless........ well... anyway...

Smile for the camera! SELFIE!
The fat man's family and relative, plus my cousin - Geeteng. Congrats! bro for your marriage.
Selfie with my cousin and sister too
Family shot without my bro. He doesn't like picture. 
I feel so funny due to my sister's app - which helps to beautify our skin
Okay anyway! Let's start eating! We have our dinner at TheLine in Shangri-la Hotel.

Due to some of us are vegetarian, we have limited choice of food, but this are what I can find from the buffet.
Fruits and cake for sure. Salad yes! Oh yes and Lasagna! 
My favourite - Avocado Sushi Roll! NICE!  
First meal which serves for us vegetarian - Golden Butternut Soup with Creme Fresh
Second - Baked vegetable Parcel, Succotash, Petite Green 
Last - Wild Mushroom Spaghetti Aglio Olio (NICE!)
And some random pizza which I don't have the mouth to finish it
look at my tummy!
So FULL!!!!!! I am going to explode!
Ah! Just smile for the camera. Act cute!
Overall dining at TheLine was quite cool! I love the food over there. :) Hope they can cater more food for vegetarians in future.  WITHOUT Onion and garlic! hahahaha


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