Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Cycling - Coney Island

Hey Blog,

Today Xuanyi and I decided to explore Coney Island park, which used to be lock from public ever since I cycled passed by that island along Punggol park.

A map of the coney island. Shot by using an app Scannable. Quite COOL!
From the top view it looks like a Leech. well... Perhaps it is! Before I decided to go there, many people warned me of Sand flies (practically suck blood) hmmm okay enough pun.

It was 6:30 pm, there were a lot of cyclists and joggers.
The sandy route - dusty and rocky. I doubt any roadbikers will like to risk their expensive bikes here.
And another solid cement route but not a long stretch.
There are many separated beaches. I believe where sand flies love. You know SAND fly? 
Can see the cycling track on the sandy beach.
Let's have fun with the camera function
Yes! Coney Island! :D it is getting dark.
We will visit this place again. Hopefully I can share you more on the detail of the island.


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