Monday, November 30, 2015

Movie Review - The Good Dinosaur

Hey blog!

Today we went for a movie, "The Good Dinosaur"! Oh Boy it was a fun movie.

Pointing to someone
We are the Peanuts group!
Even though it is Peanuts as background, but we had an awesome session together. 

[Additional: 9th December 2015] I went out with PVPS alumni group for second rounds of same title.

Let's review Good Dinosaur! (it is a personal thought over the movie)


From the trailer, it seems like a simple animated movie by Disney and Pixel. It is about a dinosaur lost its way home, and met a human boy. Both of them have some chemistry between them and on bunk on a journey which builds their bound.

CGI - Awesome!

In the movie, the CGI of the movie is breathe-taking! It was SO realistic and at times, I thought I am looking at the real thing until the cartoonist dinosaurs walked into the scene.

The two different styles feel fused in the same scene
the CGI of water was impressive!
Because it was meant for adults and kids, making its realistic and cartoonist, could be a new approach. :) Don't let our brain controls our taste and sense. Just appreciate it.


After the whole movie, there was a doubt popped out and left unanswered, why the dinosaurs can farm, talk and while human can't??? Hahaha after a careful thought, I remembered the first scene.

The asteroid missed Earth which created an alternate universe!

Where Dinosaurs evolved with intelligent - able to talk and farm, and meet to the timeline when homosepians and mammals start to room the Earth.

That solved most of the BIG question of some people who missed the point, because in the movie, some kids asked their parents why the dinosaurs can talk, farm or whatever but the parents just replied them that it is a cartoon.


There are a lot of cute scenes and some funny one too. :) Just simply laughed our heart out.

The innocent cartoon face of the dinosaurs made the kid-in-our-mind feeling awwww.

And some scenes a bit too gross for the kids to handle - like some xxxx (spoiler) head humph... hahaha and some killing....

Lucky no blood at all.

It is nice to see two different worlds of species come together living in harmony. :,)


Overall: 4/5 - It is a light-hearten animated movie. Watch it ans enjoy the CGI and simple sweet story. Don't judge if anyone cry during the movie.
It is a movie that you should bring your kids along.

I don't own all images and credit those whoever own it

here are some review on the movie and song for the movie. It was good. :) Check it out

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