Monday, June 22, 2015

Personal - Shopping Therapy

Dear Blog,

This few days I don't feel very good - constantly misunderstood and labeling. Kind of tired.... Here are some of the things which I bought for my shopping therapy. 

First thing I bought is this pair of Skechers Niteowl Performance Division Shoes introduced by Jelvis. Hahah

Reason of buying this is because of
  1. It glows :D
  2. Got 50% discount sale!
  3. It has special insole.
Speaking about glowing, check out this pictures below. I took a picture of myself relax in the bus with an empty hand, because later I will be collecting something from a gym.

But when I shot it in my snapchat, my hand GLOW! Like magic. Hahaha

But look!
Anyway, let's get back to topic. I purchased Protein powder - 100% Soya for recovery of my muscle while doing push-ups. Thanks Lewi Loo for introducing me to Fitlion.

What I bought this
  1. Train myself
  2. To get enough nutrient
  3. At least it is VEGAN
  4. It is CHEAPER than buying from store. 

Hope it helps to smooth my mood.


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