Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sky - Two Bright Stars

Hi Blog,

Have you checked up the sky these few days? There are two bright stars which can be spotted during June evening and night sky! You know what are those?

I tried my best to capture this picture without any light intruding. Many people think they just star or worst, satellites. Sometimes I wonder do they actually care or to find out what they are looking at?

Those are two celestial bodies- Venus and Jupiter! There are Saturn but need to look up the dark sky awhile to see. Why I am so excited about it, is because I am hoping to capture the right timing for a special moment in our night sky, especially during June!

You can search online for "Smiley face in the night sky" you will find some awesome pictures when three brightest celestial bodies come together and form a wonderful image! Below are some awesome pictures took by others. (credit to those who take those pictures)

How I wish I can be part of the people who witnessed such scene. So far I can only capture a pair of creepy eyes!

Like a creature staring at us in a dark place. 


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