Monday, June 8, 2015

Personal - First Time Balloon Sculpturing

Hi Blog,

Happy to learn something interesting about balloon sculpture, I have a chance to fold that balloon, it may seem easy but in fact it is very very challenging! Here are some videos about balloon sculpturing.

First we have to counter our fears of balloon burst and the twisting sound created from the balloons are imitating. Oh my! especially when our hands holding onto the pressuring balloon, twisting and folding, oh boy, nervous! 

But I managed to fold a dog and decided to make something special to make the special tail - which took me 30 mins to make it.

Out of my surprised, I won a voucher for making special balloon. I just used the red failed balloons as a platform for the blue dog like a hammer. 

Zul and I posed as Balloon Avengers, Zul as Cockeye with balloon bow, and I am be Thorn with a balloon weird hammer. 

Haha, we have fun. :)


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