Monday, June 8, 2015

Personal - God's Arrangement

Hi Blog,

Today as usual, I will drop by for lunch meal at the humble eating-house vegetarian stall but it was closed due to the boss fell sick for that day. So I decided to go for Plan B which requires 15 mins walk to another market. (I am a vegetarian so available places are limited)

When I reached there, there are under total renovation, which meant I can forget about lunch and have to walk back again with empty stomach. And I am not filling hungry but I took it positively. When I reached back to my workplace, I saw the school cleaners were busily plucking Mangoes.

They are so kind and called me right after I stepped into the school, they passed me three mangoes.

Look at how fresh and beautiful they are, the content is AMAZING! This is my FIRST taste of Public-Mango fruit! Hahaha. Thanks God for sending Mangoes to me :3



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