Monday, June 15, 2015

Personal - On my Way Back Alone

Hi Blog,

TO be honest, I am very worried to travel alone - I guess it is due to I heard too many bad news for those who travel alone, and yes... I got this saying a lot of time, "It is safe and manageable to travel alone." Well... I just don't wish anything happen to me and make my mother upset over. Yeah... you can mock at me for being Coward, but I am clear why I care so much. 

Anyway Today is the day I will have to travel back to Singapore from Ipoh, Thanks my Ipoh friends who ensure my safety to onboard the bus. :) Thank you.

Checking my ticket and scan through every single detail.
Okay! Safe!
Thanks God for the first seat which I can stretch my legs out! :D
I just slept for the whole journey except the pit-stop station. Thanks God I reached Singapore Safely and my phone started to flood by messages by messages. Hahaha... Hmmmm But... tomorrow have to work.... :(

Maybe I don't have enough rest...
No one in the staff room beside me.
Don't care. Just sleep... zzzzz


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