Friday, June 12, 2015

Personal - On my Way to Ipoh

Hi Blog

Short post for now. Tonight I am going to Ipoh and meet up with friends over there. Even though I am tired especially my feet, didn't manage to change my smelly clothing but I am excited :)

Because at least I can continue my mission there - to care and concern. 

With this fat bag. Let's see what will I do in these three days

Saturday: climb mountain in morning with zhikang, home visit during afternoon and busy preparation for night sharing session.

Sunday: Zhen nan will drive me to a beach near the town, so exciting! Whole day! Maybe include some night visit.

Monday: onboard of bus in morning and back to Singapore. Be a pig.

So hope everything okay to the world. See you blog!

Me with tired feet and a big bag

Jam jam jam strawberry jam and fat... 2 hours CUSTOM JAM


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