Thursday, May 30, 2024

Blog - May Overview

Hi Blog,

It is May, and my nerdy approach will be 'May the Force be with you,' to my exclusive readers.

The force of a black hole 🕳 just keeps me going and takes away my negativity.
In my May posts, I'll remind myself and focus on maintaining a positive vibe to celebrate my small achievements.

1st May 2024 - Despite my old age, I've managed to maintain good physical health. I'm not overweight, nor am I particularly muscular, but considering my anxiety if I go to the gym, hence I don't go and can't afford to, I'm satisfied with the results.

2nd May 2024 - Short Night Hunt
(Click here to read more)

3rd May 2024 - IPL Underarm Hair Removal
(Click here to read more)

6th May 2024 - Swimming Theme #5
(Click here to read more)

9th May 2024 - Thinking back, the journey that I took to maintain myself physically (even though not perfect), mentally (trying to balance my mental health), and spiritually was quite a long journey. I should not discredit it.

10th May 2024 - Navigating life's journey is often challenging, especially when balancing commitments that others may not fully comprehend. As a single for life, managing a busy schedule can be misunderstood but I just don't expect others to understand.

11th May 2024 - Despite my best efforts, I find it challenging to fully celebrate and appreciate my achievements. Sigh... I recognize that I may feel unhappy (you can say I am just jealous or envious) when I see someone else achieve what I want. But what I hate the most is carrying the idea that I need to do more or being lazy to achieve what others can do... Because others can provide the solution easily and end with a statement, "depending on whether you want to do it or not." I feel tired...

11th May 2024 - (credit otter) Knowing myself was just emotional and imbalanced... I just have to manage my own emotions. I have to cut off from successful demigods because they won't need me to acknowledge their existence. I am happy for them but I know the more I see, the more I hate myself than motivate. Then a quick fix suggestion will pop out, "you should change your mindset" it is quite toxic to consume such thoughts daily.

12th May 2024 - Perhaps I just need some time to recover and be kinder to myself. As my May post suggested, I can't compare myself with the life of the demigods... (who usually soak in the pool of praises, affirmation and admiration) so I have to 🙈🙉🙊to ensure myself a space to grow and delulu a bit (to believe that I am good 🤮)... Hope it works.

12th May 2024 - Thanks, Heaven, for having a smelly tofu stall along my way home. Feeling like Heaven was trying to cheer me up and let me know a message... Tofu always tastes the same, but not everyone is a fan of smelly tofu. Still, some people love it!

12th May 2024 - I have been considering getting a perfume for myself, and recently, I've realized that I really enjoy woody scents such as cypress. (the wood piece that I purchased from Taiwan) While I was in Johor Bahru, I was searching for a perfume with a cypress scent. I bought an inexpensive one from Watson, but unfortunately, the scent doesn't seem to last... The Jo Malone London Cypress & Grapevine fragrance is truly remarkable! Although it's quite pricey, I adore it and managed to snag it from Carousell at a 50% discount. Now I got a BRANDED Perfume! 😂

12th May 2024 - Today, we hosted a Mother's Day celebration for my mother and invited my aunt. It was a joyous reunion, and I must say... Having siblings come together for a celebration is truly a blessing and a fortunate experience, especially after an ugly fight (a few months ago) between your mother, elder brother, and sister. They turned up and were polite with one another. I can't say that I play a big part, but not to discredit myself, I am the middle man for them. So what if I am a demigod but have a broken-down family?

14th May 2024 - I've decided to gift my elder brother a PS5 so he can play his favourite game, FF7. I hope it brings him joy. It's just my way of fulfilling my role as a sibling. :) If I anticipate kindness from others, I should first ensure that I am capable of extending the same courtesy.
15th May 2024 - At last, I managed to go for a slow jog. I may not be able to sprint like the demigods, but I'll persist and not give up. The recent heavy rains have been a challenge, yet I'll seize every opportunity to jog when possible. Today's jog left me feeling upset... My favourite vine spot had been cut down... It appears I had grown quite attached to it... Oh well... I really missed it...

16th May 2024 - Trisuit Theme #97
(Click here to read more)

17th May 2024 - Today, I watched a video on how to become a happier individual and personally, I am an unhappy person. Why am I mentioning this here? The video content shared many things to do to be a happy individual was actually what I have been doing for years. Next time, I will make a blog post about it like my reflection at the year-end. Reflecting on my past and present, I find happiness in knowing that I am now on the right path toward the light. (I am grateful to Heaven for guiding me by outlining the steps in the video if you understand Chinese) With the right guidance, I will continue to do it and gain more confidence in my personal development.

18th May 2024 - Cosplay for Tea Party
(Click here to read more)

19th May 2024 - Trisuit Theme #98
(Click here to read more)

20th May 2024 - After purchasing a PS5 as a birthday present for my brother, he surprised me by buying a beetle plushie, the same one I had shown him in a photo from Taiwan and nearly bought myself but hesitated. I'm doing quite well as his brother!

22nd May 2024 - Rainut to Chestnut
(Click here to read more)

22nd May 2024 - Even though I was supposed to write a blog post, I decided to take some time to reflect on certain matters and practice my piano. Great to see improvement in my practice. 👏👏👏

23rd May 2024 - Today I was considered fortunate to be able to go for a swim before the storm alarm activated. These days, there were some issues that I had been thinking through... So I had a good chat with ChatGPT about mixed feelings with advice. What a comforting chat with Ai.

24th May 2024 - Upon introspection, I realized that I used to get bothered by trivial issues and would distance myself from others. Some may have perceived this as childish behaviour. I think I have failed too often... Like distancing myself by unfriending those so-called friends, I guess... I just have to apologize because I really want actual friends... Sadly... I am too broken to have... Anyway, it should be about my swim but all my mind was about self-reflection... Sorry to bore my readers. (if any is even reading)

25th May 2024 - Fort Canning Battlebox SG
(Click here to read more)

26th May 2024 - I had a long day. During the gap between my two programs, I considered going for a quick swim, but then I realized I didn't have enough time. So I dedicated some time at the library to compose my blog entries. I'm feeling quite drowsy now. 😴

27th May 2024 - Yes, jogging today! Let's go! I tried to jog the extended jogging route, which took longer because I am a slow jogger. So, the forest turned darker before I could finish the jog.

29th May 2024 - Today, we were invited to attend a Staff Learning Day, and I chose a Baking Course. I was teamed up with a group of elderly individuals (which is typically my fate—I usually don’t team up with young ladies)... So, I went and had fun experimenting with different and unconventional shapes for baking cookies. Unfortunately, other people just judged me as being mischievous.

30th May 2024 - Today, after my lunch, I felt a sharp pain in my upper tummy zone. I couldn’t do much but see a doctor for advice. The doctor suspected it could be stomach acidity overload. Did I consume something sour? I recalled that there was balsamic vinegar from the salad stall for my salad lunch. Oh well… I just had to return home to take medicine and rest early.

What a May activity... I thought I wanted to have some positivity moment but I will be dragged back to negativity... I hope June will be a good one.


1 comment:

  1. For goodness sake, you are VERY young Jeff 🙏not old at all 👌 😀


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