Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #95

Hi Blog,

Hmm, today let's see what Gemini can generate. Usually, I use ChatGPT because I love its fluidity and it feels more "human and personal" than other chats like Copilot and Gemini.

In my previous trisuit, I was using Editor aka Copilot on my keyboard. Everyone will have it. I will ask Gemini its thought over wearing a trisuit for hiking and why it's not well received by the public. I won't copy everything but to take out or see how Gemini is going to say.
Here is its response.

Trisuits are designed for breathability and quick drying, which can be good for hiking. But, they lack features hikers need: pockets for gear, durability for rough terrain, and warmth for changing weather. Plus, the tight fit might not be comfortable with a backpack. Publicly, they might look out of place for the typical hiking attire.

Here is my personal response towards Gemini.

Thanks Gemini for it's insight. Breathability and quick dry are my main reasons why I continue to wear trisuit


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