Saturday, March 23, 2024

Trip - Taiwan D4 - 2nd Time to Sun Moon Lake

Hi Blog,

After visiting Qingjing Farm and not being able to go elsewhere on the mountain... Yup... I feel that we didn't cover or fully utilize the route up there... So I needed to manage myself and learn to be content.

I have to strike a balance between my selfish needs and thoughts, and the group's expectations and limitations; all while avoiding any negative impact on the overall atmosphere. I hope I didn't spoil SJ and QH's emotions.
Okay! Next stop - Sun Moon Lake 日月潭! Based on our original itinerary, we brought forward the next day's planned location to today, to free up a slot for more places of interest.

I slept a bit and woke up by my snoring, and shortly, we arrived at Sun Moon Lake.
We decided to have our lunch at Ita Thao market; this place looked familiar... There is something that I am looking for... What is it...
This is one of the popular spots in Sun Moon Lake, basically like a night market.
Tea18 is one of the popular teas in Sun Moon Lake. For me, still a tea. 😂
Honestly, after trying out at Qingjing Farm, I love this local cuisine - tofu sandwich!
This one is something new!
Fried vegetable bomb - oily! Best consumed after it has cooled down.
We were supposed to have a proper lunch meal, but ended up purchasing these snacks that can easily fill our tummies!
Sun Moon Lake features several harbours for tourists to explore the lake, and Ita Thaa is one of them.
Ita Thao! Initially, the idea was to take a boat to try the famous Ah Ma's herbal tea eggs, many online reviews claimed it was good but it seemed too overhyped from the videos.
It appeared that the weather was turning gloomy as if it was going to rain sooner.
Hmm, the fog started to gather here.
I decided to get one more owl for my boss, this one looked and dressed like her.
I've found the native costume I was looking for, but unfortunately, I don't have enough cash to purchase it since it's more of a want than a need. Perhaps another time.
Oooo! Something new to add to my Smelly Tofu list - Mala Smelly Tofu!
Did you see the Sun and the Moon?
Oh yes! Another new manhole design in my collection.
Next highlight of Sun Moon Lake...
水蛙頭步道 Shuiwatou Trail (Water Frog Head Trail)
Frog and Toad can never get together.
Some info about Shuiwatou Trail
An easy and relaxed trail. This trail looks like the Singapore Nature Trail.
Getting close to the lake.
At least the sun's rays helped to enhance the beauty of the scene.
Thank Heaven for this gift.
(Credit SJ) Oops, so sorry, my ugly face spoiled the whole scenery.
(Credit driver) Finally, we reached the Nine Frogs Stack.
Thank heavens for making this possible. Usually, most visitors don't get the chance to see all nine frogs, and today we were fortunate!
On the other hand, the presence of all nine frogs could also indicate that this place may be experiencing some form of drought... However, I didn't investigate further... I learned that the water from this lake is diverted to Checheng for electricity generation and is then returned.
Anyway, here are the nine frogs. Cheer!
The additional detail of a frog stretching its leg is adorable.
We had climbed up in the car park, and fortunately, just as we were nearing our destination, the rain began to fall.
Beautiful orange sky
The driver drove us to Wenwu Temple where...
...we could see the whole lake.
Rain and shine
(Credit SJ) On my first visit here, it was foggy and couldn't see the whole lake properly so...
(Credit SJ) ...I need an image of this lake where both rain and sunshine are present, akin to the sun and the moon coexisting.
The driver brought up a temple, and when I heard the name, I insisted on visiting since it was on our route anyway.
The temple was Longfeng Temple 龍鳳宮月老廟
Love how intricate the dragon (long) and phoenix (feng) are on top of the temple.
More dragon and phoenix design
It is rare for a temple to feature two legendary creatures together; typically, temples are adorned with pairs of dragons.
What a roof display
Pay my respect here
In this Longfeng Temple, there is a shrine for the God of Marriage/Romance.
I wanted to come here to thank him for everything. My love and marriage history was happening... I know you meant well, hope the people who come to you, can have a blessed marriage.
Time to go back.
Even though it was still early, the sun set earlier than what we were used to in Singapore.
I captured this picture because it resembled one of our friends, particularly the expression and facial features. I'll attempt to have him pose for a similar photo and share it here. (if any reader keens)
We went back to Puli Night Market for the smelliest tofu!
I'm feeling full, and I remembered I still had the mala smelly tofu from Sun Moon Lake, but the taste was underwhelming.
Day 4 of our trip to Taiwan wasn't quite what I expected, yet Heaven presented us with a beautiful scene for solace. It seems I've learned to appreciate. Thank you Heaven.


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