Thursday, February 29, 2024

Blog - February Overview

Hi Blog,

I hate February! It has two days that make me feel miserable... Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day. I don't hate them just because I'm alone... I have many other reasons... but mostly because... I'm alone... 😆

I guess growing older means accepting myself more. I have to learn how to be kind to myself and appreciate who I am.
I don't care if no one wants me. I'm going to make myself the most awesome single person ever. I'll enjoy my life to the max and do things that couples can only dream of. I may not have a lover, but I have the whole world to explore and appreciate. Mother Nature is my best friend and she loves me unconditionally.

Anyway, thanks to my exclusive readers for responding to my first blog acknowledgement exercise (thank you for all the kind words which you had left in the feedback form). I hope my readers will understand and let you know, you have a special space in my life. I also just wanted to take this chance to remove the ghosts. I will let my blog decide.

1st~3rd Feb 2024 - Jon's Journey: Singapore Unveiled
(Click here to read more)

3rd Feb 2024 - During a meet-up with Jon and discovered that two of my trisuits were spoiled. I also had three trisuits with zipper problems... I wanted to bring them all for alteration but only one was clean and the others still have my smelly sweat... So after meeting up Jon at the museum, I went to fix the zippers of my trisuits. They didn't look well sewn but at least I could save my blue suit, which is my favourite!

4th Feb 2024 - My swim buddy and I tried to go a bit later on Sunday morning to dodge the big swim practice that happened at the same time. It kinda worked and there were fewer people, but who knows if it'll be the same next time. Why do they have to train here when this fat seal wants to swim?

4th Feb 2024 - How nice to meet up with my god brother, SKK and have a simple dinner. He offered to take me around Lim Chu Kang to check out the nurseries for the festive season. I saw so many plants that I wanted to buy, but I could only get a few. Thanks SKK for the day,

5th Feb 2024 - Today I was instructed to start work early, so I decided to take advantage of the extra time after work and go for a swim. It was such a nice day, the sun was shining and the water was warm. I felt so refreshed and happy after my swim. I'm glad I didn't miss this opportunity!

6th Feb 2024 - I was wondering what happened to the lunch place near my work. It was closed for a few days and there was no sign or anything. I decided to text the owner and ask if everything was okay. She said she was sick and she would reopen in two weeks. I suggested that it is best to put up a notice so that her customers would know when to come back. Some people said I was being nosy and I shouldn't bother with things that are not my business. But I was just trying to help... I don't bother and do what benefits others.

7th Feb 2024 - Trisuit Theme #93
(Click here to read more)

8th Feb 2024 - A moment of my OOTD shot. Speaking of being a busybody... I decided to check on one of my buddies who has some mental health problems. He's been out of work and living by himself for a long time, and he kept begging me to come over. So I'm going to swing by his place after I clock out, even though it's a long distance from my office. I don't think I can do much for him, except listen to what he has to say... but maybe that will help him feel less alone for a bit.

9th Feb 2024 - Today was Chinese New Year's Eve, and I only worked half a day! Do you think I would miss this chance to swim? Wearing my favourite colour and my favourite superhero outfit, I want to enjoy my life to the fullest.

9th Feb 2024 - We had a fun time at my reunion dinner. My aunties came over for dinner and my elder brother prepared a "Hong Bao" activity for us. We played some games and the winners got to pick a "Hong Bao" from the living room wall. It was very generous of him to host this game.

11th Feb 2024 - So.. what did I do during Chinese New Year? Well, not much... I didn't even buy new clothes, because I wanted to save money. My aunties and cousins were busy chatting with each other, and as usual, I was left alone with the TV and my iPad. But, this also gave me time to finish my annual drawing project. Now I can start a new zodiac theme (Hope you like it), and I hope I can keep drawing until 12 years later. (If you missed my previous 12 zodiac artworks, you can click here)

14th Feb 2024 - The day when I decided to make it brighter... I used to hate Valentine's Day. It reminded me of all the pain and loneliness I felt for so long. But this time, I decided to change that by loving myself and doing something nice for myself. Just be happy to be who I am.

15th Feb 2024 - Yes, I know I am a fat seal but this is the best form for now... the best one I had worked hard on. I know I can go BETTER but I don't want to sacrifice my mental health for some unrealistic standards.... because I don't have god-like genes to begin with, and I am just a regular fat seal doing my best. So I'm going to celebrate my progress and give myself some love.

17th Feb 2024 - I had a great time at SKK's place today for a CNY visit. His mom and I did a gardening exchange as she loved the plants and gave me some tips on how to take care of them. After that, I decided to take a dip in the pool downstairs. It was so refreshing and relaxing. I'm glad I didn't miss this chance to swim a little.

17th Feb 2024 - Speaking of plants, I brought SKK to the Suntec Pets and Plants Extravaganza event. I'm a huge fan of plants, but I had to restrain myself from buying... I helped SKK to pick out a cute little succulent that looks like a flower. Thanks for spending time accompanying me.

17th Feb 2024 - I had a really long day today... I went to this afternoon's programme and my big bro asked me to join him for karaoke with his friends that night. I got there early, so I sang some songs to kill time until his friends showed up later, and we sang until late at night. I'm so exhausted now...

18th Feb 2024 - I had a nice swim today with my swimming buddy, W. He said he's been out of work since Dec 2023 and it's hard to find a new job... I feel bad for him because he has a wife and kids to support... He gave me some advice... He said it's great to earn a lot or a high salary but it comes with a price... especially if you work for private companies... they can fire you anytime... He said I should be happy with my current job, which is secure and well-structured.

18th Feb 2024 - Embracing My Imperfections
(Click here to read more)

19th Feb 2024 - My 2024 meetings and classes are coming back. I foresee many weekends will be busy, and I won't be able to go hiking as often as I used to. Swimming might become more frequent during my pocket time before the meetings.

20th Feb 2024 - Maybe I should make a monthly swimming post. Will that be easier? But like that, my overview might not have anything. Haha... So hard to strike a balance.

20th Feb 2024 - Today M came back to Singapore and it was kind of her to celebrate and give my mother and aunt an expensive treat. Happy New Year to M.

22nd Feb 2024 - Trisuit Theme #94
(Click here to read more)

23rd Feb 2024 - Finding Haw Par Beach Villa
(Click here to read more)

23rd Feb 2024 - I had a blast hiking with SKK today. The views were amazing and the weather was perfect. And guess what? Since SKK has a pool at his condo so naturally, I couldn't resist jumping in. It was so refreshing and relaxing.

23rd Feb 2024 - After a great(Credit SKK) Then had a good dinner to celebrate today's event! You can check on the Finding Haw Par Beach Villa post.

24th Feb 2024 - Today would be a long day. Thank you SKK for taking the trouble to fetch me to my ex-school alumni gathering. Besides a CNY gathering, we were here to contribute our Heart artwork to enter the local art competition for the largest heart artwork gathered. Most importantly, It's been great to catch up with my ex-students and colleagues!

24th Feb 2024 - Thanks SKK again for bringing me to Bishan to volunteer for the Bone Marrow Roadshow. So sorry to trouble him. On a few past occasions, I felt that I was not good enough to dress up as Captain America - a short, plain-looking Asian nerd dressed up as Captain? What a joke... It is not easy to brush off that feeling, but when I dress up in my one and only costume, I tell myself that I have a mission to do here, which is to help out with the roadshow. I am not Captain America, and I will never be. After I took down my costume, I was just back to who I am. I don't carry the name of the character; I only carry the sweet memories, daydreams, and small impacts that I had left behind. I understand that I can't be Captain forever. Hopefully one day there will be a better captain out there to take over the shield (responsibility). For now, I just enjoy the moment.

25th Feb 2024 - I'm thinking of starting an intermittent diet and cutting down on snacking at work... but I have a problem. I still have a lot of snacks left at home and in the office... what should I do with them? I don't want to waste food, but I also don't want to sabotage my diet. Any ideas? Ugh, I feel so fat...

28th Feb 2024 - I finally managed to squeeze in a slow and tired jog today... It was nice to have some me-time, but I also had to be careful with my spending... I went over my budget this month... Good thing this month was short... so I'll get paid a bit earlier... (trying to look on the bright side)

29th Feb 2024 - It's not every year that we get to enjoy the 29th of February, right? So I decided to make the most of it and went for a swim for this blog post. It was refreshing and relaxing.
What a long Feb post!



  1. WOW - I think Feb 1-3 was super exciting and should feature more pictures of Jon! HAHAHA jks jks

    1. 😂 😂 😂 Like Jon modelling on the beach?


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